Puzzle 779169: Bianco a scacco matto
Aram Kazandjian - Karim EL Kassaa
11th Beirut Open 2022 Beirut LBN, 2022.11.16
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
11th Beirut Open 2022 Beirut LBN, 2022.11.16
- 1.d4
- d5
- 2.Af4
- Af5
- 3.e3
- Cc6
- 4.c3
- Cf6
- 5.Cd2
- e6
- 6.Cgf3
- Ad6
- 7.Ag3
- O-O
- 8.Ce5
- Ce4
- 9.Cdf3
- h6
- 10.Cxc6
- bxc6
- 11.Ad3
- Cxg3
- 12.hxg3
- Axd3
- 13.Dxd3
- Tb8
- 14.O-O-O
- c5
- 15.dxc5
- Axc5
- 16.g4
- Ae7
- 17.Ce5
- Dd6
- 18.f4
- Tb7
- 19.g5
- Tfb8
- 20.gxh6
- Txb2
- Soluzione:20...Txb2
- 21.h7+ Il pedone bianco attacca il re nero, che sta difendendo il pedone nero.
- Rh8
- 21...Rf8
- 22.h8=Q#
- 22.Cxf7#
- 21.h7+
- Rh8
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Checkmate (2 moves)
- Attack defender of mate (2 moves)