Puzzle 743139: Nero a vincere
Daniel Meredith (1466) - Hussam Al Haidar (1665)
Hull 4NCL International Canham Turner Conference Centr, 2022.10.15
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Hull 4NCL International Canham Turner Conference Centr, 2022.10.15
- 1.e4
- d5
- 2.exd5
- c6
- 3.dxc6
- e5
- 4.Cc3
- Cxc6
- 5.Cf3
- Cf6
- 6.Ab5
- Ag4
- 7.d3
- a6
- 8.Ac4
- Ab4
- 9.a3
- Axc3+
- 10.bxc3
- O-O
- 11.O-O
- e4
- 12.dxe4
- Dxd1
- 13.Txd1
- Cxe4
- 14.Td3
- Tad8
- 15.Ab2
- Tfe8
- 16.Te1
- Cf6
- 17.Tde3
- Txe3
- 18.fxe3
- Axf3
- 19.gxf3
- Ce5
- 20.Ae2
- Td2
- 21.f4
- Ceg4
- 22.h3
- Txc2
- 23.hxg4
- Txb2
- 24.g5
- Ce4
- 25.Af3
- Cxc3
- 26.Tc1
- Tb3
- 27.Axb7
- Soluzione:27.Axb7
- Ce2+ Il cavallo nero esegue una forchetta al re bianco e la torre.
- 28.Rh1
- 28.Rf1
- Cxc1
- 28.Rf2
- Cxc1
- 28.Rg2
- Cxc1
- 28.Rh2
- Cxc1
- 28...Cxc1
- 27...Ce2+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3