Puzzle 733083: Nero a vincere
Alexandr Kostiukov (2271) - P. Komal Kishore (2086)
Titled Tue 27th Sep Late chess.com INT (10), 2022.09.27
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tue 27th Sep Late chess.com INT (10), 2022.09.27
- 1.g3
- d5
- 2.Ag2
- Cf6
- 3.d3
- e5
- 4.e4
- c6
- 5.De2
- Ad6
- 6.Cf3
- O-O
- 7.O-O
- Te8
- 8.h3
- h6
- 9.c4
- dxe4
- 10.dxe4
- Cbd7
- 11.Cc3
- a5
- 12.Td1
- Dc7
- 13.Ch4
- Af8
- 14.Cf5
- Cc5
- 15.g4
- Axf5
- 16.exf5
- e4
- 17.Ae3
- De5
- 18.Ad4
- Df4
- 19.De3
- Dxe3
- 20.Axe3
- Cd3
- 21.Cxe4
- Cxb2
- 22.Cxf6+
- gxf6
- 23.Td7
- Cxc4
- 24.Txb7
- Cxe3
- 25.fxe3
- Txe3
- 26.Axc6
- Ac5
- 27.Rg2
- Td8
- 28.Tb2
- Tc8
- 29.Af3
- Soluzione:29.Af3
- Ad4 L'alfiere nero infilza la torre bianca e la torre.
- 30.Tab1
- Axb2
- 29...Ad4
- 30.Tab1
- Axb2
- 31.Txb2
- Tcc3
- 32.Ad5
- Tg3+
- 33.Rf2
- Txh3
- 34.Tb7
- Th2+
- 35.Rg1
- Td2
- 36.Axf7+
- Rf8
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: