Puzzle 690619: Nero a vincere
FM Anthony Atanasov (2172) - GM Alexander Rustemov (2525)
Titled Tue 19th Jul Late chess.com INT (1), 2022.07.19
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tue 19th Jul Late chess.com INT (1), 2022.07.19
- 1.Cf3
- d5
- 2.d4
- c6
- 3.Af4
- Ag4
- 4.Cbd2
- Cd7
- 5.h3
- Ah5
- 6.e3
- e6
- 7.Ad3
- Cgf6
- 8.O-O
- Ae7
- 9.c4
- O-O
- 10.Db3
- Db6
- 11.c5
- Dxb3
- 12.axb3
- Tfe8
- 13.b4
- a6
- 14.Cb3
- Axf3
- 15.gxf3
- Ad8
- 16.Ca5
- Axa5
- 17.bxa5
- e5
- 18.Ag3
- exd4
- 19.exd4
- Cf8
- 20.Ta3
- Ce6
- 21.Ta4
- g6
- 22.Tb4
- Te7
- 23.Ad6
- Td7
- 24.Ae5
- Ch5
- 25.Te1
- Te8
- 26.Ad6
- f6
- 27.Te3
- Rf7
- 28.Af1
- Chf4
- 29.Teb3
- Txd6
- 30.cxd6
- Cd8
- 31.Te3
- Te6
- 32.Txe6
- Rxe6
- 33.Tb6
- Rxd6
- 34.Rh2
- Cfe6
- 35.Tb4
- c5
- 36.Tb6+
- Rc7
- 37.dxc5
- Cxc5
- 38.Txf6
- Cb3
- 39.Tf4
- Cxa5
- 40.Td4
- Rd6
- 41.f4
- Ce6
- 42.Ta4
- Cc6
- 43.Rg3
- Cc5
- 44.Ta1
- Ce4+
- 45.Rf3
- Cd4+
- 46.Rg2
- Ce6
- 47.Ad3
- Soluzione:47.Ad3
- Cxf4+ Il cavallo nero esegue una forchetta al re bianco e l'alfiere.
- 48.Rh2
- 48.Rf1
- Cxd3
- 48.Rf3
- Cxd3
- 48.Rg1
- Cxd3
- 48...Cxd3
- 47...Cxf4+
- 48.Rf3
- Cxd3
- 49.Re3
- Cxb2
- 50.Rd4
- Cc4
- 51.f4
- a5
- 52.f5
- gxf5
- 53.h4
- b5
- 54.h5
- b4
- 55.h6
- b3
- 56.Tg1
- b2
- 57.Tg6+
- hxg6
- 58.h7
- b1=Q
- 59.h8=Q
- Db2+
- 60.Rd3
- Dd2#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3