Puzzle 626282: Nero a scacco matto
IM Julian Estrada Nieto (2263) - FM Ivan Kubatko (2257)
Titled Tue 7th Jun Late chess.com INT (11), 2022.06.07
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tue 7th Jun Late chess.com INT (11), 2022.06.07
- 1.e4
- d5
- 2.exd5
- Dxd5
- 3.Cc3
- Da5
- 4.g3
- h5
- 5.h3
- h4
- 6.g4
- Cc6
- 7.Cge2
- f5
- 8.gxf5
- Axf5
- 9.Ag2
- O-O-O
- 10.d3
- Cf6
- 11.Ad2
- e5
- 12.a4
- Cd4
- 13.Cxd4
- exd4
- 14.Cb5
- Te8+
- 15.Rf1
- Db6
- 16.Df3
- Ad7
- 17.Df4
- a6
- 18.Ca3
- Ad6
- 19.Df3
- Dxb2
- 20.Tb1
- Dxa3
- 21.Dxb7+
- Rd8
- 22.Ac6
- Axc6
- 23.Dxc6
- Cd7
- 24.Rg2
- Dc5
- 25.Da8+
- Re7
- 26.The1+
- Rf7
- 27.Df3+
- Rg6
- 28.Dg4+
- Rh7
- 29.Dxd7
- Dd5+
- 30.Rf1
- Soluzione:30.Rf1
- Dh1# Matto sulla retrofila
- 30...Dh1#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3