Puzzle 455685: Bianco a vincere
Isaac Leopold Rice - James Moore Hanham
New York game New York, 1900
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
New York game New York, 1900
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.f4
- exf4
- 3.Cf3
- g5
- 4.h4
- g4
- 5.Ce5
- Cf6
- 6.Ac4
- d5
- 7.exd5
- Ad6
- 8.O-O
- Axe5
- 9.Te1
- De7
- 10.c3
- g3
- 11.d4
- Cg4
- 12.Cd2
- Dxh4
- 13.Cf3
- Dh6
- 14.Da4+
- c6
- 15.Da3
- Cf2
- Soluzione:15...Cf2
- 16.Txe5+
- Rd8
- 17.De7# Il matto di torre di Damiano
- 16.Txe5+
- Ae6
- 17.Rf1
- Dh1+
- 18.Cg1
- Ch3
- 19.gxh3
- f3
- 20.Ag5
- Dg2+
- 21.Re1
- f2+
- 22.Rd2
- fxg1=Q+
- 23.Rd3
- Rd7
- 24.dxe6+
- Rc7
- 25.De7+
- Rb6
- 26.Dd8+
- Txd8
- 27.Axd8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Attacking the uncastled king (2 moves)