Puzzle 351005: Bianco a difendere
Linda Jambo - R. Amadasun (1913)
ch-Africa Women Windhoek NAM (9), 2007.09.09
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
ch-Africa Women Windhoek NAM (9), 2007.09.09
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.Cc3
- d6
- 4.h3
- Cf6
- 5.Ab5
- Ad7
- 6.a3
- Ae7
- 7.O-O
- O-O
- 8.d3
- a6
- 9.Aa4
- b5
- Soluzione:9...b5
- Minacciando:
- 10...bxa4
- 10.Ab3
- 10.Ab3
- Ca5
- 11.Aa2
- c5
- 12.Ce2
- Cc6
- 13.c3
- h6
- 14.Ae3
- Ch7
- 15.Dd2
- Rh8
- 16.Tfe1
- f5
- 17.exf5
- Axf5
- 18.Cg3
- Axh3
- 19.Ad5
- Ad7
- 20.Ch5
- g5
- 21.Ch4
- gxh4
- 22.Axh6
- Ag5
- 23.Ag7#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: