Puzzle 311539: Nero a difendere
A. Avdic (2280) - S. Nurkic (2426)
It Tuzla BIH (6), 2005.11.29
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
It Tuzla BIH (6), 2005.11.29
- 1.e4
- g6
- 2.d4
- Ag7
- 3.Cc3
- c6
- 4.Ae3
- Cf6
- 5.Dd2
- d5
- 6.e5
- Cg4
- 7.Af4
- f6
- 8.exf6
- Cxf6
- 9.f3
- O-O
- 10.O-O-O
- Ch5
- 11.Ah6
- Axh6
- 12.Dxh6
- e5
- 13.dxe5
- Cd7
- 14.Te1
- Dc7
- 15.De3
- Tf5
- 16.f4
- Cxf4
- 17.Cf3
- Ce6
- 18.Ad3
- Tf8
- 19.h4
- Dd8
- 20.Dh6
- Cdc5
- 21.Axg6
- hxg6
- 22.h5
- De7
- 23.hxg6
- Soluzione:23.hxg6
- Minacciando:
- 24.Dh8#
- Dg7
- Ora, se24.Dh8+
- Dxh8
- 23...Dg7
- 24.De3
- Tf4
- 25.Ce2
- Te4
- 26.Dd2
- Cf8
- 27.Tef1
- Ag4
- 28.Cg3
- Cxg6
- 29.Cxe4
- Cxe4
- 30.Dd4
- Tf8
- 31.Tfg1
- Cf4
- 32.Dxa7
- Ce2+
- 33.Rb1
- Cxg1
- 34.Txg1
- c5
- 35.Ch2
- Ae6
- 36.Cf3
- Txf3
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3