Puzzle 142394: Bianco a vincere
FM Jose Gabriel Cardoso Cardoso (2414) - WFM Zarina Shafigullina (2296)
Titled Tuesday 19th May chess.com INT (2), 2020.05.19
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 19th May chess.com INT (2), 2020.05.19
- 1.d4
- Cf6
- 2.c4
- e6
- 3.Cc3
- Ab4
- 4.Dc2
- c5
- 5.dxc5
- O-O
- 6.a3
- Axc5
- 7.Af4
- Cc6
- 8.Cf3
- d5
- 9.cxd5
- Cxd5
- 10.Cxd5
- Dxd5
- 11.e4
- Dh5
- 12.Ae2
- Ab6
- 13.O-O
- Dc5
- 14.Dxc5
- Axc5
- 15.Tac1
- Ab6
- 16.Tfd1
- f6
- 17.Ad6
- Td8
- 18.e5
- fxe5
- 19.Ab5
- Cd4
- 20.Cxd4
- exd4
- 21.Ae7
- Td5
- 22.Ac4
- Te5
- 23.Ad6
- Tf5
- 24.Ab3
- Ad7
- 25.Ac7
- Axc7
- 26.Txc7
- Ac8
- 27.Txc8+
- Txc8
- Soluzione:27...Txc8
- 28.Axe6+ L'alfiere bianco esegue una forchetta alle torri nere e il re.
- Tf7
- 28...Rf8
- 29.Axf5
- 29.Axc8
- 28.Axe6+
- Rf8
- 29.Axf5
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3