Problem 874952: Putih jalan Menang

FM Tom O'Gorman (2376) - Robert Sanchez (1971)
Titled Tue 31st Jan Late INT (11), 2023.01.31
  1. 1.e4
  2. e6
  3. 2.d4
  4. d5
  5. 3.Gd3
  6. dxe4
  7. 4.Gxe4
  8. Kf6
  9. 5.Gf3
  10. c5
  11. 6.Ke2
  12. Ge7
  13. 7.Kbc3
  14. O-O
  15. 8.Ge3
  16. cxd4
  17. 9.Kxd4
  18. a6
  19. 10.Me2
  20. e5
  21. 11.Kb3
  22. Kc6
  23. 12.Bd1
  24. Mc7
  25. 13.g4
  26. Ge6
  27. 14.g5
  28. Kd7
  29. 15.Gg4
  30. Kb4
  31. 16.Gxe6
  32. fxe6
  33. 17.a3
  34. Mc6
  35. 18.Bg1
  36. Kd5
  37. 19.Ka5
  38. Mc7
  39. 20.Kxd5
  40. exd5
  41. 21.Bxd5
  42. b5
  43. 22.Kb3
  44. Kb6
  45. 23.Gxb6
  46. Mxb6
  47. 24.h4
  48. a5
  49. 25.h5
  50. a4
  51. 26.Kd2
  52. Gc5
  53. 27.Ke4
  54. Gd4
  55. 28.c3
  56. Mc6
  57. 29.Mxb5
  58. Mc8
  59. 30.Md7
  60. Mc4
  61. 31.Me6+
  62. Rh8
  63. 32.h6
  64. Md3
  65. 33.hxg7+
  66. Rxg7
  67. 34.Bd7+
  68. Rh8
  69. 35.Bxh7+
  70. Rxh7
  71. 36.Mh6+
  72. Rg8
    1. Jawaban:36...Rg8
    2. 37.Mg6+
    3. Rh8
    4. 38.Bh1+
    5. Mh3
    6. 39.Bxh3# Mati lawnmower
  73. 37.Mg6+
  74. Rh8
  75. 38.Bh1+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Checkmate (3 moves) version 3
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