Problem 827234: Hitam jalan Menang
Seyed Arvin Kasipour Azbari (2121) - FM Gabriele Lumachi (2399)
Basel Christmas Open 2022 Basel SUI, 2022.12.27
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Basel Christmas Open 2022 Basel SUI, 2022.12.27
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Kf3
- Kf6
- 3.d4
- Kxe4
- 4.dxe5
- d5
- 5.exd6
- Gxd6
- 6.Gd3
- Kc5
- 7.O-O
- O-O
- 8.Gg5
- Md7
- 9.Be1
- h6
- 10.Gh4
- Kxd3
- 11.Mxd3
- Mf5
- 12.Mxf5
- Gxf5
- 13.Ge7
- Gxe7
- 14.Bxe7
- Bc8
- 15.Be2
- Bd8
- 16.Ka3
- Kc6
- 17.c3
- Gg4
- 18.Bae1
- Gxf3
- 19.gxf3
- Rf8
- 20.Kc4
- f6
- 21.Rg2
- Bd7
- 22.f4
- Bad8
- 23.Rg3
- Bd3+
- 24.f3
- Rf7
- 25.h3
- B8d7
- 26.Be3
- Bxe3
- 27.Bxe3
- b5
- 28.Ka3
- Bd2
- 29.Kxb5
- Bxb2
- 30.Kxc7
- Ke7
- 31.Bd3
- Jawaban:31.Bd3
- Kf5+ Kuda hitam menyerang Raja putih, yang sedang melindungi kotak h2.
- 32.Rg4
- Rg6 Jaringan Mat
- 33.h4
- 33.Be3
- h5#
- 33.a3
- h5#
- 33...Bh2 Jaringan Mat
- 34.h5+
- 34.a3
- h5#
- 34.c4
- h5#
- 34...Bxh5
- 35.a3
- 35.Bd7
- Bh4#
- 35.Ka8
- Bh4#
- 35.c4
- Bh4#
- 35...Bh4# Mat Arabia
- 31...Kf5+
- 32.Rg4
- Rg6
- 33.h4
- Bh2
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Mating net (5 moves)
- Checkmate (5 moves)
- Attack defender of mate (5 moves)