Problem 827234: Hitam jalan Menang

Seyed Arvin Kasipour Azbari (2121) - FM Gabriele Lumachi (2399)
Basel Christmas Open 2022 Basel SUI, 2022.12.27
  1. 1.e4
  2. e5
  3. 2.Kf3
  4. Kf6
  5. 3.d4
  6. Kxe4
  7. 4.dxe5
  8. d5
  9. 5.exd6
  10. Gxd6
  11. 6.Gd3
  12. Kc5
  13. 7.O-O
  14. O-O
  15. 8.Gg5
  16. Md7
  17. 9.Be1
  18. h6
  19. 10.Gh4
  20. Kxd3
  21. 11.Mxd3
  22. Mf5
  23. 12.Mxf5
  24. Gxf5
  25. 13.Ge7
  26. Gxe7
  27. 14.Bxe7
  28. Bc8
  29. 15.Be2
  30. Bd8
  31. 16.Ka3
  32. Kc6
  33. 17.c3
  34. Gg4
  35. 18.Bae1
  36. Gxf3
  37. 19.gxf3
  38. Rf8
  39. 20.Kc4
  40. f6
  41. 21.Rg2
  42. Bd7
  43. 22.f4
  44. Bad8
  45. 23.Rg3
  46. Bd3+
  47. 24.f3
  48. Rf7
  49. 25.h3
  50. B8d7
  51. 26.Be3
  52. Bxe3
  53. 27.Bxe3
  54. b5
  55. 28.Ka3
  56. Bd2
  57. 29.Kxb5
  58. Bxb2
  59. 30.Kxc7
  60. Ke7
  61. 31.Bd3
    1. Jawaban:31.Bd3
    2. Kf5+ Kuda hitam menyerang Raja putih, yang sedang melindungi kotak h2.
    3. 32.Rg4
    4. Rg6 Jaringan Mat
    5. 33.h4
      1. 33.Be3
      2. h5#
      1. 33.a3
      2. h5#
    6. 33...Bh2 Jaringan Mat
    7. 34.h5+
      1. 34.a3
      2. h5#
      1. 34.c4
      2. h5#
    8. 34...Bxh5
    9. 35.a3
      1. 35.Bd7
      2. Bh4#
      1. 35.Ka8
      2. Bh4#
      1. 35.c4
      2. Bh4#
    10. 35...Bh4# Mat Arabia
  62. 31...Kf5+
  63. 32.Rg4
  64. Rg6
  65. 33.h4
  66. Bh2

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Mating net (5 moves)
  • Checkmate (5 moves)
  • Attack defender of mate (5 moves) version 3
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