Problem 810824: Putih jalan Menang

GM Rasmus Svane (2622) - GM Vugar Asadli (2567)
World Rapid 2022 Almaty KAZ, 2022.12.27
  1. 1.Kf3
  2. Kf6
  3. 2.g3
  4. g6
  5. 3.Gg2
  6. Gg7
  7. 4.O-O
  8. O-O
  9. 5.d4
  10. d6
  11. 6.Be1
  12. Kbd7
  13. 7.e4
  14. e5
  15. 8.Kc3
  16. b6
  17. 9.a4
  18. a5
  19. 10.b3
  20. Be8
  21. 11.dxe5
  22. dxe5
  23. 12.Ga3
  24. Gb7
  25. 13.Me2
  26. Gf8
  27. 14.Gxf8
  28. Kxf8
  29. 15.Bad1
  30. Me7
  31. 16.Kd5
  32. Kxd5
  33. 17.exd5
  34. Kd7
  35. 18.Kd2
  36. Kc5
  37. 19.Kc4
  38. Ga6
  39. 20.Mxe5
  40. Md7
  41. 21.Mf4
  42. Gxc4
  43. 22.Mxc4
  44. Bxe1+
  45. 23.Bxe1
  46. Be8
  47. 24.Bxe8+
  48. Mxe8
  49. 25.Gf3
  50. Me5
  51. 26.Rg2
  52. h5
  53. 27.h4
  54. Rf8
  55. 28.b4
  56. axb4
  57. 29.Mxb4
  58. Md6
  59. 30.a5
  60. bxa5
  61. 31.Mxa5
  62. Kd7
  63. 32.Mc3
  64. Re7
  65. 33.Md4
  66. Kc5
  67. 34.Ge2
  68. Kd7
  69. 35.Gb5
  70. Kc5
  71. 36.Gc6
  72. Rf8
  73. 37.Mh8+
  74. Re7
  75. 38.Rg1
  76. Ka6
  77. 39.Me8+
  78. Rf6
  79. 40.Mh8+
  80. Re7
  81. 41.c3
  82. Kc5
  83. 42.Rg2
  84. Ka6
  85. 43.Me8+
  86. Rf6
  87. 44.Mh8+
  88. Re7
  89. 45.f4
  90. Kc5
  91. 46.Rf3
  92. Kd3
  93. 47.Md4
  94. Kc5
  95. 48.Me5+
  96. Rf8
  97. 49.Mh8+
  98. Re7
  99. 50.Me5+
  100. Rf8
  101. 51.g4
  102. hxg4+
  103. 52.Rxg4
  104. Ke4
    1. Jawaban:52...Ke4
    2. 53.Mh8+ Skak selipan
      1. Bukan53.Mxe4 karena
      2. f5+
      3. 54.Mxf5+
      4. gxf5+
    3. 53...Re7
    4. 54.Me8+ Ratu putih Sinar-X Raja hitam dan kuda.
    5. Rf6
    6. 55.Mxe4
  105. 53.Mh8+
  106. Re7
  107. 54.Me8+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Skewer (3 moves)
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