Problem 706225: Putih jalan Merebut Materi

IM K. Ratnakaran (2348) - IM Jakub Pulpan (2422)
Titled Tue 30th Aug Early INT (2), 2022.08.30
  1. 1.e4
  2. e5
  3. 2.Kf3
  4. Kc6
  5. 3.Gb5
  6. a6
  7. 4.Ga4
  8. b5
  9. 5.Gb3
  10. Ka5
  11. 6.Gxf7+
  12. Rxf7
  13. 7.Kxe5+
  14. Re7
  15. 8.d4
  16. Me8
  17. 9.Gg5+
  18. Kf6
  19. 10.Md2
  20. Kb7
  21. 11.Kc3
  22. c6
  23. 12.d5
  24. Rd8
  25. 13.dxc6
  26. Mxe5
  27. 14.Gf4
  28. Me6
  29. 15.cxb7
  30. Gxb7
  31. 16.O-O-O
  32. Gb4
  33. 17.Md4
  34. Gxc3
  35. 18.Mxc3
  36. Bc8
  37. 19.Ma5+
  38. Re7
  39. 20.Gd6+
  40. Rf7
  41. 21.e5
  42. Ke4
  43. 22.Bd3
  44. Kxf2
    1. Jawaban:22...Kxf2
    2. 23.Bf1 Benteng putih pakuan Kuda hitam terhadap Raja hitam.
    3. Mf5
    4. 24.Md2 Ratu putih menyerang Kuda hitam, yang sedang terpakuan.
    5. Ge4
    6. 25.Bxf2 Benteng putih pakuan Ratu hitam terhadap Raja hitam.
    7. Gxd3
    8. 26.Bxf5+
  45. 23.Bf1
  46. Mf5
  47. 24.Rb1
  48. Bxc2
  49. 25.Ma3
  50. Bd2
  51. 26.Ra1
  52. Bxd3
  53. 27.Mc5
  54. Bc8
  55. 28.e6+
  56. dxe6
  57. 29.Ma7
  58. Md5
  59. 30.Mxf2+
  60. Mf5
  61. 31.Me2
  62. Bxd6
  63. 32.Bxf5+
  64. exf5
  65. 33.a4
  66. Bc1+
  67. 34.Ra2
  68. Gd5+
  69. 35.Ra3
  70. Ba1+
  71. 36.Rb4
  72. Bxa4+
  73. 37.Rc5
  74. Be6
  75. 38.Mh5+
  76. Rf6
  77. 39.Rxd5
  78. Bae4
  79. 40.h4
  80. h6
  81. 41.Mf3
  82. B4e5+
  83. 42.Rd4
  84. Be3
  85. 43.Ma8
  86. B6e4+
  87. 44.Rc5
  88. Be5+
  89. 45.Rb6
  90. Be6+
  91. 46.Ra5
  92. Rg6
  93. 47.Mc8
  94. Rh7
  95. 48.h5
  96. B3e5
  97. 49.Mc2
  98. Bf6
  99. 50.g4
  100. Rg8
  101. 51.Mb3+
  102. Rh8
  103. 52.Mc3
  104. Be8
  105. 53.g5
  106. hxg5

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Pin (4 moves)
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