Problem 704645: Putih jalan Menang

WGM K. Kulon (2324) - GM R. Hasangatin (2509)
World Blitz 2015 Berlin GER, 2015.10.14
  1. 1.e4
  2. d5
  3. 2.exd5
  4. Mxd5
  5. 3.Kc3
  6. Md6
  7. 4.d4
  8. Kf6
  9. 5.g3
  10. c6
  11. 6.Gg2
  12. Gf5
  13. 7.Kge2
  14. e6
  15. 8.O-O
  16. Ge7
  17. 9.h3
  18. h6
  19. 10.Gf4
  20. Md8
  21. 11.Md2
  22. Kbd7
  23. 12.Bae1
  24. Kb6
  25. 13.b3
  26. Gb4
  27. 14.Mc1
  28. Kbd5
  29. 15.Kxd5
  30. cxd5
  31. 16.c3
  32. Ge7
  33. 17.g4
  34. Gd3
  35. 18.Md2
  36. Ga6
  37. 19.Ge5
  38. O-O
  39. 20.f3
  40. Bc8
  41. 21.Bf2
  42. Ma5
  43. 22.Bc1
  44. Bc6
  45. 23.b4
  46. Ma3
  47. 24.Bb1
  48. Gxe2
  49. 25.Bb3
  50. Ma4
  51. 26.Bxe2
  52. Bfc8
  53. 27.Be3
  54. b5
  55. 28.Gf1
  56. Kd7
  57. 29.Mb2
  58. Kb6
  59. 30.Be1
  60. Ma6
  61. 31.f4
  62. Ka4
  63. 32.Mg2
  64. f6
  65. 33.g5
  66. hxg5
  67. 34.fxg5
  68. fxe5
  69. 35.g6
  70. Bxc3
  71. 36.Bxe5
  72. Gf6
  73. 37.Be1
  74. Gxd4+
  75. 38.Rh1
  76. Md6
  77. 39.Mg4
  78. e5
  79. 40.Mh5
  80. e4
  81. 41.Gxb5
  82. Kb6
  83. 42.Bf1
  84. Gf6
  85. 43.Mh7+
  86. Rf8
  87. 44.Bb2
  88. Mg3
    1. Jawaban:44...Mg3
    2. 45.Bxf6+ Benteng putih menangkap Menteri hitam, yang sedang melindungi Pion hitam. Benteng putih menyerang Raja hitam, yang sedang melindungi Pion hitam.
    3. Re7
      1. 45...gxf6
      2. 46.Mf7#
    4. 46.Mxg7+ Ratu putih menyerang Raja hitam, yang sedang melindungi kotak f8.
    5. Rd8
    6. 47.Bf8# Mati lawnmower
  89. 45.Bxf6+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Lawnmower mate (3 moves)
  • Checkmate (3 moves)
  • Capture defender of mate (3 moves)
  • Attack defender of mate (3 moves) version 3
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