Problem 665586: Putih jalan Menang
Walter - Murrel
corr, 1966
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
corr, 1966
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Kf3
- Kc6
- 3.Gb5
- a6
- 4.Ga4
- Kf6
- 5.O-O
- Kxe4
- 6.d4
- b5
- 7.Gb3
- d5
- 8.dxe5
- Ge6
- 9.c3
- Ge7
- 10.Kbd2
- O-O
- 11.Gc2
- f5
- 12.exf6
- Kxf6
- 13.Kg5
- Gg4
- 14.f3
- Gc8
- 15.Be1
- Kg4
- 16.Gxh7+
- Rh8
- 17.fxg4
- Gxg5
- 18.Gc2
- Mf6
- 19.Kf3
- Gxc1
- 20.Bxc1
- Gxg4
- 21.Mxd5
- Gxf3
- 22.gxf3
- Mxf3
- 23.Mxf3
- Bxf3
- 24.Be6
- Ka5
- 25.Ge4
- Be3
- 26.Bf1
- Kc4
- 27.Bf4
- Bd8
- Jawaban:27...Bd8
- 28.Bh4+
- Rg8
- 29.Gh7+ Menteri putih bergerak keluar dari pakuan oleh Benteng hitam terhadap Benteng putih.
- Rf7
- 30.Bxe3 Benteng putih melakukan pertukaran dan memancing Kuda hitam ke kotak e3.
- Kxe3
- 31.Bf4+
- Re7
- 32.Be4+ Benteng putih garpuan Raja hitam dan kuda.
- Rf7
- 33.Bxe3
- 28.Bh4+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Fork (6 moves)
- Trade and fork (6 moves)