Problem 655215: Hitam jalan Menang
E. Rosenberg (2016) - FM Christopher Shen (2318)
New York Summer IMD 2022 New York USA, 2022.07.11
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3
New York Summer IMD 2022 New York USA, 2022.07.11
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.e5
- c5
- 4.c3
- Kc6
- 5.Kf3
- Gd7
- 6.Gd3
- cxd4
- 7.cxd4
- Mb6
- 8.O-O
- Kxd4
- 9.Kxd4
- Mxd4
- 10.Kc3
- a6
- 11.Me2
- Ke7
- 12.Rh1
- Kc6
- 13.f4
- Kb4
- 14.Bd1
- Gc5
- 15.Gb5
- Mf2
- 16.Gxd7+
- Rxd7
- 17.Mxf2
- Gxf2
- 18.Ke4
- Gb6
- 19.Kd6
- f6
- 20.Kc4
- Gc7
- 21.exf6
- gxf6
- 22.f5
- Bad8
- 23.Gh6
- Bhg8
- 24.a3
- Kc6
- 25.Ge3
- Re7
- 26.Gc5+
- Rf7
- 27.fxe6+
- Rxe6
- 28.Be1+
- Ge5
- 29.Kd2
- Rf7
- 30.Kf3
- Bge8
- 31.Bf1
- Gxb2
- 32.Bab1
- Be2
- 33.Kg5+
- Rg6
- 34.Kh3
- Ge5
- 35.Bxb7
- Bc2
- 36.Gf2
- d4
- 37.Gh4
- d3
- 38.Kf2
- Bc4
- 39.g3
- d2
- 40.Kd1
- Gd4
- 41.Bb3
- Be8
- 42.g4
- Bc1
- 43.Bbf3
- Be1
- 44.Gxe1
- Bxd1
- 45.Gxd2
- Bxd2
- 46.Bf5
- Ge5
- 47.B5f2
- Bd4
- 48.h3
- Ka5
- 49.Bf5
- Kc4
- 50.Bc1
- Kd6
- 51.Bf3
- Bd2
- 52.Rg1
- Ke4
- 53.Bc6
- Kg3
- 54.Bc4
- Gd4+
- 55.Bxd4
- Jawaban:55.Bxd4 Pengumpulan sampah
- Ke2+ Skak selipan
- Bukan55...Bxd4 karena
- 56.Bxg3
- 56.Rf1
- 56.Rf2
- Kxd4+
- 56...Kxd4
- 55...Ke2+
- 56.Rf1
- Kxd4
- 57.Bc3
- Ba2
- 58.Bc4
- Kc2
- 59.Bc7
- Kxa3
- 60.h4
- Bc2
- 61.Ba7
- Bc6
- 62.Rg2
- Kc4
- 63.Rg3
- Ke5
- 64.Be7
- a5
- 65.g5
- Ba6
- 66.Rf4
- Kf7
- 67.h5+
- Rg7
- 68.gxf6+
- Rxf6
- 69.Be3
- a4
- 70.Ba3
- Kd6
- 71.h6
- Kb5
- 72.Ba2
- a3
- 73.Re3
- Kc3
- 74.Bf2+
- Rg6
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3