Problem 601031: Putih jalan Menang
Ernst Schuehler - W. Muster
Germany year? corr, 1963
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Germany year? corr, 1963
- 1.b4
- c6
- 2.Gb2
- a5
- 3.b5
- cxb5
- 4.e3
- e6
- 5.Gxb5
- Kc6
- 6.Kf3
- Kf6
- 7.O-O
- d5
- 8.Ke5
- Mb6
- 9.a4
- Ge7
- 10.d4
- O-O
- 11.Kd2
- Mc7
- 12.c4
- Ka7
- 13.Bc1
- Kxb5
- 14.cxb5
- Md8
- 15.Kb3
- b6
- 16.Kc6
- Md6
- 17.Ba1
- Gb7
- 18.Kxe7+
- Mxe7
- Jawaban:18...Mxe7
- 19.Ga3 Menteri putih Sinar-X Ratu hitam dan benteng.
- Md7
- 20.Gxf8
- 19.Ga3
- Mc7
- 20.Gxf8
- Bxf8
- 21.Bc1
- Mb8
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: