Problem 553089: Hitam jalan Bertahan

FM Vladyslav Sydoryka (2307) - GM Shamsiddin Vokhidov (2521)
Titled Tuesday 5th Oct INT (3), 2021.10.05
  1. 1.c4
  2. e5
  3. 2.g3
  4. c6
  5. 3.Kf3
  6. e4
  7. 4.Kd4
  8. d5
  9. 5.d3
  10. exd3
  11. 6.Mxd3
  12. dxc4
  13. 7.Mxc4
  14. Kf6
  15. 8.Kc3
  16. Ge7
  17. 9.Gg2
  18. Kbd7
  19. 10.Kf5
  20. Kb6
  21. 11.Mf4
  22. O-O
  23. 12.Kxe7+
  24. Mxe7
  25. 13.O-O
  26. Kfd5
  27. 14.Kxd5
  28. Kxd5
  29. 15.Mf3
  30. Kb4
  31. 16.Gd2
  32. Kc2
  33. 17.Bad1
  34. Kd4
  35. 18.Md3
  36. Bd8
  37. 19.Gc3
  38. Gf5
  39. 20.e4
  40. Gg4
  41. 21.Gxd4
  42. Gxd1
  43. 22.Mc3
  44. Mf8
  45. 23.Gc5
    1. Jawaban:23.Gc5
      1. Mengancam:
      2. 24.Gxf8
    2. Me8
  46. 23...Me8
  47. 24.Gd4
  48. Bxd4
  49. 25.Mxd4
  50. Gg4
  51. 26.h3
  52. Ge6
  53. 27.a3
  54. b6
  55. 28.e5
  56. Bd8
  57. 29.Ma4
  58. c5
  59. 30.Mxa7
  60. Mb5
  61. 31.Mc7
  62. Bc8
  63. 32.Me7
  64. Mxb2
  65. 33.Bd1
  66. h5
  67. 34.Ge4
  68. g6
  69. 35.Gxg6
  70. Bf8
  71. 36.Bd8
  72. Mc1+
  73. 37.Rh2
  74. Bxd8
  75. 38.Mxd8+
  76. Rg7
  77. 39.Mf6+
  78. Rg8
  79. 40.Gxh5
  80. Md2
  81. 41.Gg4
  82. Gd5
  83. 42.e6
  84. fxe6
  85. 43.Gxe6+
  86. Gxe6
  87. 44.Mxe6+
  88. Rg7
  89. 45.Me7+
  90. Rg6
  91. 46.Me6+
  92. Rg7
  93. 47.Me7+
  94. Rg8
  95. 48.Me6+
  96. Rf8
  97. 49.Mf6+
  98. Re8
  99. 50.Me6+
  100. Rf8
  101. 51.Mf6+
  102. Rg8
  103. 52.Mg6+
  104. Rh8
  105. 53.Mf6+
  106. Rh7
  107. 54.h4
  108. Md3
  109. 55.Mxb6
  110. c4
  111. 56.Mc7+
  112. Rg6
  113. 57.a4
  114. c3
  115. 58.a5
  116. c2
  117. 59.Mc6+
  118. Rf5
  119. 60.a6
  120. Md2
  121. 61.Mc5+
  122. Re4
  123. 62.a7
  124. c1=Q
  125. 63.Mxc1
  126. Mxc1
  127. 64.a8=Q+
  128. Re5
  129. 65.Mf3
  130. Md2
  131. 66.Me3+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3
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