Problem 535011: Putih jalan Skakmat
IM Pere Garriga Cazorla (2472) - FM Luis Fernandez Siles (2229)
Titled Tue 15th Mar Late INT (1), 2022.03.15
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tue 15th Mar Late INT (1), 2022.03.15
- 1.Kf3
- f5
- 2.e3
- Kf6
- 3.d4
- g6
- 4.c4
- Gg7
- 5.Kc3
- O-O
- 6.Ge2
- d6
- 7.O-O
- Kc6
- 8.d5
- Ke5
- 9.Kxe5
- dxe5
- 10.c5
- e4
- 11.Gc4
- Rh8
- 12.h3
- b6
- 13.c6
- Ke8
- 14.Gd2
- Kd6
- 15.Gb3
- g5
- 16.f3
- Ga6
- 17.Bf2
- Gd3
- 18.fxe4
- fxe4
- 19.Bxf8+
- Mxf8
- 20.Gc2
- Mf5
- 21.Gxd3
- exd3
- 22.Mg4
- Bf8
- 23.Be1
- Mxg4
- 24.hxg4
- Kc4
- 25.Ke4
- Kxd2
- 26.Kxd2
- Gxb2
- 27.Bd1
- Ge5
- 28.Kf3
- Gf6
- 29.Bxd3
- Bd8
- 30.e4
- e5
- 31.Rf2
- Rg7
- 32.Re3
- h6
- 33.Ba3
- a5
- 34.Bb3
- Rf7
- 35.Rd3
- Re7
- 36.Kd2
- Rd6
- 37.Kc4+
- Re7
- 38.Ke3
- Bh8
- 39.Kf5+
- Rd8
- 40.d6
- h5
- 41.Rc4
- hxg4
- 42.Rd5
- Bh2
- 43.Re6
- Gh8
- 44.Bd3
- Bxg2
- 45.Ke7
- Bh2
- Jawaban:45...Bh2
- 46.dxc7+ Skak ganda
- Rxc7
- 46...Re8
- 47.c8=Q#
- 47.Bd7+
- Rb8
- 48.c7+
- Ra7
- 48...Ra8
- 49.c8=Q#
- 48...Rb7
- 49.c8=Q#
- 49.c8=Q# Dengan skak tarik oleh benteng putih.
- 46.dxc7+
- Rxc7
- 47.Bd7+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Checkmate (4 moves)
- Clearance for checkmate (4 moves)
- Double check into checkmate (4 moves)