Problem 452560: Putih jalan Skakmat
WFM Galina Novikova (2073) - FM Pavel Y. Politov (2190)
Titled Tuesday 4th Jan INT (2), 2022.01.04
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tuesday 4th Jan INT (2), 2022.01.04
- 1.e4
- c5
- 2.Kf3
- d6
- 3.d4
- cxd4
- 4.Kxd4
- Kf6
- 5.Kc3
- a6
- 6.h3
- e5
- 7.Kde2
- h5
- 8.g3
- b5
- 9.Gg2
- Gb7
- 10.Ge3
- Kbd7
- 11.O-O
- Ge7
- 12.Kd5
- Kxd5
- 13.exd5
- Kb6
- 14.b3
- Bc8
- 15.Md2
- Mc7
- 16.Bac1
- Kd7
- 17.c4
- bxc4
- 18.Bxc4
- Mb8
- 19.Gg5
- Gxg5
- 20.Mxg5
- Rf8
- 21.Bfc1
- Kc5
- 22.b4
- Kd7
- Jawaban:22...Kd7
- 23.Bxc8+ Benteng putih menangkap Benteng hitam, yang sedang melindungi kotak d8.
- Mxc8
- 23...Gxc8
- 24.Md8#
- 24.Bxc8+ Benteng putih menangkap Ratu hitam, yang sedang melindungi kotak d8.
- Gxc8
- 25.Md8# Mat baris terakhir
- 23.Bxc8+
- Gxc8
- 24.Md8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Backrank mate (3 moves)
- Checkmate (3 moves)
- Capture defender of mate (3 moves)