Problem 375510: Putih jalan Menang
IM Konstantin Borsuk (2415) - FM Catalin-Lucian Patrascu (2304)
Titled Tuesday 17th Aug INT (4), 2021.08.17
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tuesday 17th Aug INT (4), 2021.08.17
- 1.d4
- Kf6
- 2.c4
- e6
- 3.Kc3
- d5
- 4.cxd5
- Kxd5
- 5.Kf3
- c5
- 6.e4
- Kxc3
- 7.bxc3
- cxd4
- 8.cxd4
- Gb4+
- 9.Gd2
- Gxd2+
- 10.Mxd2
- O-O
- 11.Gc4
- b6
- 12.d5
- Be8
- 13.O-O-O
- Mc7
- 14.Mc2
- Mf4+
- 15.Rb1
- Gb7
- 16.Kd4
- exd5
- 17.Gxd5
- Gxd5
- 18.exd5
- Kd7
- 19.g3
- Md6
- 20.Kf5
- Mf6
- 21.d6
- Kc5
- 22.Ke7+
- Rh8
- 23.Bd5
- Bad8
- 24.Bhd1
- Bd7
- 25.h4
- Bed8
- 26.Kc6
- Bc8
- 27.Ke5
- Bdd8
- 28.d7
- Bc7
- 29.f4
- Me7
- 30.Bd6
- g6
- 31.h5
- f6
- 32.Kc6
- Bxc6
- 33.Bxc6
- Bxd7
- 34.Bc8+
- Rg7
- 35.h6+
- Rxh6
- Jawaban:35...Rxh6
- 36.Bh1+
- Rg7
- 37.Bxh7+ Benteng putih mengecoh Raja hitam.
- Rxh7
- 38.Mh2+
- Rg7
- 39.Mh8+
- Rf7
- 40.Mg8# Mat Pas
- 36.Bh1+
- Rg7
- 37.f5
- g5
- 38.g4
- Bd4
- 39.Mg2
- Bb4+
- 40.Rc2
- Mf7
- 41.Rc1
- Bc4+
- 42.Rb1
- Bb4+
- 43.Ra1
- Mc4
- 44.Mb7+
- Kxb7
- 45.Bxc4
- Bxc4
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Decoy into checkmate (5 moves)
- Checkmate (5 moves)