Problem 348228: Putih jalan Skakmat
WGM Aleksandra Maltsevskaya (2390) - FM Todd Andrews (2244)
Titled Tuesday 15th June INT (8), 2021.06.15
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3
Titled Tuesday 15th June INT (8), 2021.06.15
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.Kc3
- Gb4
- 4.e5
- c5
- 5.Gd2
- Ke7
- 6.Kb5
- Gxd2+
- 7.Mxd2
- O-O
- 8.f4
- cxd4
- 9.Kf3
- Kbc6
- 10.Kbxd4
- f6
- 11.Gd3
- Kxd4
- 12.Kxd4
- fxe5
- 13.fxe5
- Kc6
- 14.Kf3
- Bxf3
- 15.gxf3
- Kxe5
- 16.O-O-O
- Mf6
- 17.f4
- Kc6
- 18.Bhg1
- Gd7
- 19.h4
- a5
- 20.h5
- Kb4
- 21.a3
- Kxd3+
- 22.Mxd3
- Mxf4+
- 23.Rb1
- Bc8
- 24.Bdf1
- Mc4
- 25.Md2
- b5
- 26.Bxg7+
- Rxg7
- 27.Mg5+
- Rh8
- 28.Mf6+
- Rg8
- 29.Bg1+
- Mg4
- Jawaban:29...Mg4
- 30.Bxg4#
- 30.Bxg4#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3