Problem 335869: Putih jalan Skakmat
GM N. Pert (2555) - GM Ma Turner (2514)
4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley ENG, 2014.05.05
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3
4NCL 2013-14 Hinckley ENG, 2014.05.05
- 1.Kf3
- Kf6
- 2.g3
- e6
- 3.Gg2
- d5
- 4.O-O
- Ge7
- 5.c4
- O-O
- 6.b3
- c5
- 7.cxd5
- exd5
- 8.Gb2
- Kc6
- 9.d4
- Gg4
- 10.dxc5
- Gxc5
- 11.Kc3
- a6
- 12.h3
- Gh5
- 13.e3
- Ga7
- 14.Ke2
- Gg6
- 15.Kh4
- Ge4
- 16.Gxe4
- Kxe4
- 17.Kf5
- Mg5
- 18.Mxd5
- Kd6
- 19.g4
- Bad8
- 20.Bad1
- Kb4
- 21.Mxd6
- Bxd6
- 22.Bxd6
- h5
- 23.Keg3
- Be8
- 24.Gxg7
- Be6
- 25.Bfd1
- Kc6
- 26.h4
- Mxg4
- 27.Bd8+
- Kxd8
- 28.Bxd8+
- Rh7
- 29.Bh8+
- Rg6
- Jawaban:29...Rg6
- 30.Bh6# Mat Arabia
- 30.Bh6#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3