Problem 156125: Putih jalan Menang

John Tadros (1779) - Camelia-Maria Tatu (1180)
FISCA Online Open 2020 INT, 2020.06.25
  1. 1.d4
  2. c6
  3. 2.Gf4
  4. d5
  5. 3.Kd2
  6. Gf5
  7. 4.e3
  8. Kf6
  9. 5.Gd3
  10. Gxd3
  11. 6.cxd3
  12. e6
  13. 7.Kgf3
  14. Ge7
  15. 8.h3
  16. Kbd7
  17. 9.e4
  18. dxe4
  19. 10.dxe4
  20. Mb6
  21. 11.O-O
  22. O-O
  23. 12.b3
  24. Bfe8
  25. 13.Kc4
  26. Md8
  27. 14.Be1
  28. Kb6
  29. 15.e5
  30. Kfd5
  31. 16.Gh2
  32. Gb4
  33. 17.Bf1
  34. Kd7
  35. 18.a3
  36. Ge7
  37. 19.b4
  38. Kf8
  39. 20.Ke3
  40. Kg6
  41. 21.Mc2
  42. a5
  43. 22.Kxd5
  44. cxd5
  45. 23.b5
  46. Bc8
  47. 24.Mb3
  48. Mb6
  49. 25.a4
  50. Kh4
  51. 26.Kxh4
  52. Gxh4
  53. 27.Md3
  54. Bc4
  55. 28.Bfd1
  56. Bec8
  57. 29.g3
  58. Ge7
  59. 30.g4
  60. Gb4
  61. 31.Gf4
  62. Bc3
  63. 32.Me2
  64. B8c4
  65. 33.Ge3
  66. Bc2
  67. 34.Mf3
  68. Ge7
  69. 35.g5
  70. Mc7
  71. 36.h4
  72. B4c3
  73. 37.Mf4
  74. Mc4
  75. 38.h5
  76. Me2
  77. 39.g6
  78. f5
  79. 40.exf6
  80. Gxf6
  81. 41.Bac1
  82. Mxh5
    1. Jawaban:41...Mxh5
    2. 42.Mb8+
    3. Bc8
      1. 42...Gd8
      2. 43.Mxd8#
    4. 43.Mxc8+
    5. Bxc8
    6. 44.Bxc8+
    7. Gd8
    8. 45.Bxd8# Mat baris terakhir
  83. 42.Mb8+
  84. Bc8
  85. 43.Mxc8+
  86. Bxc8
  87. 44.Bxc8+
  88. Gd8
  89. 45.Bxd8#

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Backrank mate (4 moves)
  • Checkmate (4 moves) version 3
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