Problem 156125: Putih jalan Menang
John Tadros (1779) - Camelia-Maria Tatu (1180)
FISCA Online Open 2020 INT, 2020.06.25
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
FISCA Online Open 2020 INT, 2020.06.25
- 1.d4
- c6
- 2.Gf4
- d5
- 3.Kd2
- Gf5
- 4.e3
- Kf6
- 5.Gd3
- Gxd3
- 6.cxd3
- e6
- 7.Kgf3
- Ge7
- 8.h3
- Kbd7
- 9.e4
- dxe4
- 10.dxe4
- Mb6
- 11.O-O
- O-O
- 12.b3
- Bfe8
- 13.Kc4
- Md8
- 14.Be1
- Kb6
- 15.e5
- Kfd5
- 16.Gh2
- Gb4
- 17.Bf1
- Kd7
- 18.a3
- Ge7
- 19.b4
- Kf8
- 20.Ke3
- Kg6
- 21.Mc2
- a5
- 22.Kxd5
- cxd5
- 23.b5
- Bc8
- 24.Mb3
- Mb6
- 25.a4
- Kh4
- 26.Kxh4
- Gxh4
- 27.Md3
- Bc4
- 28.Bfd1
- Bec8
- 29.g3
- Ge7
- 30.g4
- Gb4
- 31.Gf4
- Bc3
- 32.Me2
- B8c4
- 33.Ge3
- Bc2
- 34.Mf3
- Ge7
- 35.g5
- Mc7
- 36.h4
- B4c3
- 37.Mf4
- Mc4
- 38.h5
- Me2
- 39.g6
- f5
- 40.exf6
- Gxf6
- 41.Bac1
- Mxh5
- Jawaban:41...Mxh5
- 42.Mb8+
- Bc8
- 42...Gd8
- 43.Mxd8#
- 43.Mxc8+
- Bxc8
- 44.Bxc8+
- Gd8
- 45.Bxd8# Mat baris terakhir
- 42.Mb8+
- Bc8
- 43.Mxc8+
- Bxc8
- 44.Bxc8+
- Gd8
- 45.Bxd8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Backrank mate (4 moves)
- Checkmate (4 moves)