Yuri Averbakh
Yuri Lvovich Averbakh was a Russian chess grandmaster and author. He was chairman of the USSR Chess Federation from 1973 to 1978. He was the first centenarian FIDE Grandmaster. Despite his eyesight and hearing having worsened, by his 100th birthday he continued to devote time to chess-related activities.
स्रोत: विकिपीडिया और पढ़ें
Yuri Averbakh द्वारा जीती गई प्रतियोगिताएं
प्रतियोगिता | वर्ष | स्थान |
Rubinstein Memorial | 1975 | Polanica-Zdrój (Poland) |
Carl Schlechter Memorial | 1961 | Vienna (Austria) |
1954 USSR Chess Championship | 1954 | Kyiv |
Eric Koch, Anefo
जन्म:: 08 फरवरी 1922
मृत्यु: 07 मई 2022