Salo Flohr
Salomon Mikhailovich Flohr was a Czechoslovak and Soviet chess player and writer. He was among the first recipients of the title International Grandmaster from FIDE in 1950. Flohr dominated many tournaments of the pre-World War II years, and by the late 1930s was considered a contender for the World Championship. However, his patient, positional style was overtaken by the sharper, more tactical methods of the younger Soviet echelon after World War II.
स्रोत: विकिपीडिया और पढ़ें
Salo Flohr द्वारा जीती गई प्रतियोगिताएं
प्रतियोगिता | वर्ष | स्थान |
Amsterdam | 1939 | Amsterdam |
Leningrad – Moscow | 1939 | Leningrad – Moscow |
Kemeri | 1937 | Kemeri |
Margate | 1936 | Margate |
Podebrady | 1936 | Podebrady |
Moscow | 1935 | Moscow |
Hastings | 1934 | Hastings (England) |
Hastings | 1933 | Hastings (England) |
Scheveningen | 1933 | Scheveningen |
Hastings | 1932 | Hastings (England) |
Bad Sliac | 1932 | Bad Sliac |
Hastings | 1931 | Hastings (England) |
Nationaal Archief
जन्म:: 21 नवम्बर 1908
मृत्यु: 18 जुलाई 1983