Joseph Henry Blackburne
Joseph Henry Blackburne was a British chess player. Nicknamed "The Black Death", he dominated the British scene during the latter part of the 19th century. Blackburne learned the game at the relatively late age of 17 or 18, but he quickly became a strong player and went on to develop a professional chess career that spanned over 50 years. At one point he was one of the world's leading players, with a string of tournament victories behind him, and popularised chess by giving simultaneous and blindfold displays around the country. Blackburne also published a collection of his own games.
स्रोत: विकिपीडिया और पढ़ें
Joseph Henry Blackburne द्वारा जीती गई प्रतियोगिताएं
प्रतियोगिता | वर्ष | स्थान |
London (BCA Congress) | 1886 | London |
Hereford | 1885 | Hereford |
Wiesbaden | 1880 | Wiesbaden |
जन्म:: 10 दिसम्बर 1841
मृत्यु: 01 सितम्बर 1924
Daily puzzles with Joseph Henry Blackburne
Joseph Henry Blackburne के साथ पहेलियाँ
British CF-03 Championship, Shrewsbury/ Shropshire