
Rank Name Puzzle Climb Attempts Accuracy Rating Rating change Checkmate Armageddon
Miquéias 64 289 97% 3034 -2
Barry Allen 75 46 93% 2851 -60
Darío Alzate 85 67% 2730 26
4 MagisterMalus 138 511 96% 2710 335 56
5 Zhymkus 32 87% 2682 234
6 Raihaan 90 54% 2665 -91 70
7 Marco-o-o 85 178 93% 2603 34
8 Moate 69 98% 2516 74
9 Baldo 56 148 95% 2486 -113
10 quarterplay 44 54% 2472 8
11 Armen Levonian 129 160 95% 2471 -154
12 Bonesy 112 1322 98% 2470 -40
13 AchimG 57 78% 2368 23
14 sda 64 210 92% 2299 -16
15 James 33 96% 2294 30
16 Christoph Mahnel 52 98% 2282 59
17 [email protected] 387 81% 2273 106
18 Amatselo 388 97% 2256 165
19 pietro rotelli 75 1046 94% 2253 104
20 Wojtek Was 52 83 91% 2244 -34
21 Moradzadeh 243 97% 2243 843
22 Feniks23 73 100 95% 2237 33
23 Gregory 83 81% 2234 85
24 falkbeer 70 487 95% 2225 -25
25 AG269 81 4381 79% 2218 114
26 Jose Noway 24 52 90% 2214 -25 28
27 ibrahim 70 80 96% 2201 56
28 ElfTurm 86 773 95% 2193 -8
29 Chambass 256 95% 2187 1
30 Baddy 34 91% 2185 -20
31 batin 69 95% 2184 92
32 Detective_A_Monk 31 83% 2177 26
33 TU71 33 555 94% 2170 109 43
34 RedGadget 61 108 96% 2162 31
35 PeterMeier 66 62% 2148 74
36 Anders Martin Jensen 67 121 95% 2138 102
37 Damian1975 103 73% 2138 193
38 negruej 441 95% 2136 18
39 Grant Sbrocco 74 1222 94% 2135 71
40 Vinod 39 82% 2131 -33
41 Witek_B 57 32 90% 2129 -40
42 Přemysl Bělaška 45 93% 2127 -38
43 Mes 66 269 94% 2126 58
44 chess.yalta 36 88% 2124 25
45 SovietiCat 67 28% 2118 13
46 Krolth45 54 94% 2118 1 54
47 TheJobavaSicillian 148 72% 2114 714
48 emeklisatrancci 36 100% 2113 17
49 Sloti 58 223 94% 2108 -38
50 JuVaFi 400 84% 2102 340
51 moshe sabag 1714 97% 2100 94
52 sarrus1811 56 94% 2096 8 69
53 Tafo 39 87% 2094 49
54 Mustafa akyol 77 84% 2093 17
55 Grandbunny 166 83% 2092 -128 48
56 SA_King4 69 1189 93% 2089 8
57 ayithiyash2013 120 95% 2089 21
58 Tingitain 36 86% 2089 49
59 erfan2008 121 55% 2088 102
60 Zurck 198 66% 2083 -66
61 Chikotay 67 136 95% 2083 683
62 Trupko 149 54% 2080 62
63 Mattias Poetrymusic 143 49% 2079 -86
64 BOT_Arate 80 77% 2079 60
65 Md. Abul Kawser 43 81% 2079 25
66 Donald Seyfried 62 813 92% 2075 21
67 Reiner Martin 34 73% 2074 -5
68 Apalin 64 151 93% 2071 -29
69 jbbb 57 131 92% 2070 29
70 glen 66 56% 2067 42
71 K.P.L.Liyanage 46 49 93% 2062 -7
72 Noesis121212 58 68 94% 2061 49
73 PlayChess 60 806 93% 2060 200
74 DWIE KH 38 100% 2060 10
75 Algiza 73 5433 93% 2054 69
76 Leeann 82 2778 93% 2053 -57
77 nivington 330 87% 2053 653
78 Accalia Sapphire 58 1151 92% 2050 167
79 smortne 189 96% 2050 57
80 pooverfish 168 91% 2047 -87
81 Krygerus 59 54% 2047 25
82 The Herring 231 54% 2046 -66
83 tomtm137 30 3692 89% 2042 101
84 rkod1993 73 1609 94% 2040 640 34
85 Niekver 52 48% 2040 -13
86 RIMI 144 54% 2039 23
87 Monarter 51 68% 2039 639
88 zepherighost 293 93% 2038 -43
89 chessert 61 593 92% 2037 13
90 KKer 91 90% 2037 637 46
91 Ranemoraken 64 796 92% 2036 -43
92 Faetze_65 141 47% 2036 -78
93 DAUTHUILLE 46 84% 2033 108
94 OldMa 49 47 93% 2032 10
95 rogerhammons 63 558 90% 2031 -48
96 Alexandru_D 37 60 96% 2031 48
97 Pranav_VB 56 409 93% 2030 630 45
98 Diego 32 40 85% 2030 -26
99 Phantom19801127 34 167 83% 2027 52 70
100 Kevin Fyr 57 1254 92% 2026 7

Player must have at least 30 attempts. Tied by number of attempts.

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