פאזל 735609: שחור לשחמט
FM Arif Abdul Hafiz (2234) - Shaashwath Sivakumar (2207)
Titled Tue 19th Jul Late chess.com INT (3), 2022.07.19
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tue 19th Jul Late chess.com INT (3), 2022.07.19
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.פc3
- פf6
- 4.רg5
- רe7
- 5.e5
- פfd7
- 6.רxe7
- מהxe7
- 7.f4
- a6
- 8.פf3
- c5
- 9.dxc5
- פc6
- 10.מהd2
- פxc5
- 11.רd3
- b5
- 12.O-O-O
- רb7
- 13.מb1
- O-O-O
- 14.צhe1
- מb8
- 15.פe2
- צc8
- 16.פed4
- צhd8
- 17.f5
- פe4
- 18.מהf4
- מהb4
- 19.רxe4
- dxe4
- 20.צxe4
- פe7
- 21.צee1
- פd5
- 22.מהh4
- פc3+
- 23.מa1
- פxd1
- 24.פc6+
- צxc6
- 25.מהxb4
- צxc2
- 26.מהf4
- רxf3
- 27.gxf3
- צdd2
- 28.fxe6
- פתרון:28.fxe6
- צc1# מט בשורה האחורית
- 28...צc1#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3