פאזל 661171: שחור להגן
WIM Kathie Goulart Librelato (2255) - Oscar Koch-Muller (2115)
Ceske Budejovice Open Ceske Budejovice CZE, 2022.07.08
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Ceske Budejovice Open Ceske Budejovice CZE, 2022.07.08
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.רd3
- dxe4
- 4.רxe4
- פf6
- 5.רf3
- c5
- 6.פe2
- פc6
- 7.רe3
- cxd4
- 8.פxd4
- פe5
- 9.פc3
- a6
- 10.מהe2
- פxf3+
- 11.פxf3
- רb4
- 12.רd4
- O-O
- 13.O-O-O
- מהa5
- 14.מb1
- מהf5
- 15.g4
- פxg4
- 16.צhg1
- e5
- 17.פxe5
- פxe5
- 18.רxe5
- f6
- 19.רd6
- רxd6
- 20.צxd6
- מהe5
- 21.מהc4+
- פתרון:21.מהc4+
- מh8
- לא21...צf7 בגלל
- 22.צd8+
- מהe8
- 23.צxe8#
- 21...מh8
- 22.מהc7
- f5
- 23.f4
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Defend against check, avoid checkmate (2 moves)