Puzzle 244152: Les blancs regagnent du matériel
George Alan Thomas - Georges Renaud
1st olm final London ENG (6), 1927.07.22
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
1st olm final London ENG (6), 1927.07.22
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.Cc3
- Fb4
- 4.exd5
- exd5
- 5.Fd3
- Ce7
- 6.Dh5
- Cbc6
- 7.Cf3
- g6
- 8.Dh6
- Cf5
- 9.Fxf5
- Fxf5
- 10.O-O
- Dd7
- 11.Fg5
- Fe7
- 12.Fxe7
- Cxe7
- 13.Ce5
- De6
- 14.Cb5
- Db6
- 15.Cc3
- Df6
- 16.Tfe1
- c6
- 17.Df4
- Dd6
- 18.Te2
- O-O-O
- 19.Cxg6
- fxg6
- Solution:19...fxg6
- 20.Dxd6 La dame blanche capture la dame noire, qui défendait le cavalier noir.
- Txd6
- 21.Txe7
- 20.Dxd6
- Txd6
- 21.Txe7
- Fxc2
- 22.Tc1
- Fd3
- 23.Ca4
- Ff5
- 24.Cc5
- Fd7
- 25.Tce1
- b6
- 26.Cd3
- Rd8
- 27.Tg7
- Te8
- 28.Txe8+
- Rxe8
- 29.Txh7
- Te6
- 30.Rf1
- c5
- 31.Ce5
- Fb5+
- 32.Re1
- cxd4
- 33.f4
- g5
- 34.g3
- gxf4
- 35.gxf4
- Rd8
- 36.Txa7
- Tf6
- 37.Tf7
- Th6
- 38.Cf3
- Te6+
- 39.Ce5
- Th6
- 40.Cf3
- Te6+
- 41.Ce5
- Th6
- 42.Ta7
- Txh2
- 43.Cf7+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: