Puzzle 913796: Negras Ganan

Celina Malinowsky (1518) - Brigitte Von Herman (2002)
German Blitz Championship Women 2023 Viernheim (GER) (6), 2023.07.15
  1. 1.e4
  2. e5
  3. 2.Cf3
  4. Cc6
  5. 3.Ac4
  6. Cf6
  7. 4.d3
  8. Ac5
  9. 5.c3
  10. d6
  11. 6.Cbd2
  12. a6
  13. 7.Cf1
  14. Aa7
  15. 8.Cg3
  16. h6
  17. 9.O-O
  18. O-O
  19. 10.Te1
  20. Ch7
  21. 11.h3
  22. Df6
  23. 12.De2
  24. Te8
  25. 13.Ab3
  26. Ae6
  27. 14.Ac2
  28. Tad8
  29. 15.Ae3
  30. Cf8
  31. 16.Axa7
  32. Cxa7
  33. 17.Tad1
  34. Cg6
  35. 18.Ch5
  36. De7
  37. 19.a3
  38. Cf4
  39. 20.Cxf4
  40. exf4
  41. 21.Ch2
  42. Cc6
  43. 22.d4
  44. Ac8
  45. 23.Df3
  46. g5
  47. 24.Dh5
  48. Df6
  49. 25.Cg4
  50. Axg4
  51. 26.Dxg4
  52. Rg7
  53. 27.Rf1
  54. Te7
  55. 28.Te2
  56. Tde8
  57. 29.Tde1
  58. Ca5
  59. 30.h4
  60. b5
  61. 31.Ab1
  62. Cc4
  63. 32.Aa2
  64. Cb6
  65. 33.f3
  66. c5
  67. 34.Rf2
  68. c4
  69. 35.Th1
  70. Th8
  71. 36.Ab1
  72. Ca4
  73. 37.Tee1
  74. Tee8
  75. 38.Th2
  76. Thg8
  77. 39.Teh1
  78. Cxb2
  79. 40.hxg5
  80. hxg5
  81. 41.e5
  82. dxe5
  83. 42.Th7+
  84. Rf8
  85. 43.T1h6
  86. De7
  87. 44.Df5
  88. exd4
  89. 45.Txf7+
  90. Dxf7
  91. 46.Tf6
    1. Solución:46.Tf6
    2. Cd1+
    3. 47.Rf1
    4. Ce3+ El caballo negro hace una horquilla a la dama blanca y el rey.
    5. 48.Rf2
    6. Cxf5
    7. 49.Txf7+
    8. Rxf7
  92. 46...Te7
  93. 47.Txf7+
  94. Txf7
  95. 48.Dc5+
  96. Re8
  97. 49.Dxd4
  98. Td7
  99. 50.De5+
  100. Rf8
  101. 51.Df5+
  102. Re8
  103. 52.De5+
  104. Rf7
  105. 53.Df5+
  106. Re7
  107. 54.De5+
  108. Rf8
  109. 55.Df5+
  110. Re8
  111. 56.De5+
  112. Rf8
  113. 57.Df5+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Fork (4 moves)
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