Puzzle 889606: Blancas get a winning advantage

FM L. Lenaerts (2363) - IM G. De Schampheleire (2389)
Dutch League 2022-23 Netherlands NED, 2022.10.08
  1. 1.d4
  2. Cf6
  3. 2.c4
  4. e6
  5. 3.Cc3
  6. Ab4
  7. 4.Dc2
  8. O-O
  9. 5.Cf3
  10. d6
  11. 6.g3
  12. c5
  13. 7.dxc5
  14. dxc5
  15. 8.Ag2
  16. Cc6
  17. 9.O-O
  18. Cd4
  19. 10.Cxd4
  20. cxd4
  21. 11.Td1
  22. e5
  23. 12.Ag5
  24. Ae7
  25. 13.Axf6
  26. Axf6
  27. 14.Cd5
  28. g6
  29. 15.Cxf6+
  30. Dxf6
  31. 16.b4
  32. Tb8
  33. 17.c5
  34. Ad7
  35. 18.e3
  36. Af5
  37. 19.Db3
  38. Tfd8
  39. 20.b5
  40. Rg7
  41. 21.Tac1
  42. dxe3
  43. 22.Dxe3
  44. Td4
  45. 23.c6
  46. bxc6
  47. 24.bxc6
  48. Tbd8
  49. 25.Txd4
  50. exd4
  51. 26.Df4
  52. Ac8
  53. 27.Dd2
  54. d3
  55. 28.h4
  56. De5
  57. 29.Af1
  58. Af5
  59. 30.Tc3
  60. Dd6
  61. 31.h5
  62. h6
  63. 32.hxg6
  64. Axg6
  65. 33.Ah3
  66. Te8
    1. Solución:33...Te8
    2. 34.c7
    3. Te2
    4. 35.Txd3 La torre blanca despeja el camino de a la dama blanca la casilla c3.
    5. De5
    6. 36.Dc3
    7. Dxc3
    8. 37.Txc3
    9. Te1+
    10. 38.Rg2
      1. 38.Rh2 White is winning. White's passed pawn(s) and material advantage are not compensated by Black's piece activity.
      1. 38.Af1
      2. Af5
      3. 39.c8=Q
        1. 39.c8=R
        2. Axc8
        3. 40.Txc8
        1. 39.c8=B
      4. 39...Axc8
      5. 40.Txc8
    11. 38...Ae4+
    12. 39.f3 White is winning. White's passed pawn(s) and material advantage are not compensated by Black's better king safety.
      1. 39.Tf3
      2. Ab7
      3. 40.c8=R
        1. 40.c8=Q
        2. Axc8
        3. 41.Axc8
      4. 40...Axc8
      5. 41.Axc8
  67. 34.c7
  68. Te2
  69. 35.Txd3
  70. De5
  71. 36.Dc3
Próximo ? Ayuda