Puzzle 889606: Blancas get a winning advantage
FM L. Lenaerts (2363) - IM G. De Schampheleire (2389)
Dutch League 2022-23 Netherlands NED, 2022.10.08
Dutch League 2022-23 Netherlands NED, 2022.10.08
- 1.d4
- Cf6
- 2.c4
- e6
- 3.Cc3
- Ab4
- 4.Dc2
- O-O
- 5.Cf3
- d6
- 6.g3
- c5
- 7.dxc5
- dxc5
- 8.Ag2
- Cc6
- 9.O-O
- Cd4
- 10.Cxd4
- cxd4
- 11.Td1
- e5
- 12.Ag5
- Ae7
- 13.Axf6
- Axf6
- 14.Cd5
- g6
- 15.Cxf6+
- Dxf6
- 16.b4
- Tb8
- 17.c5
- Ad7
- 18.e3
- Af5
- 19.Db3
- Tfd8
- 20.b5
- Rg7
- 21.Tac1
- dxe3
- 22.Dxe3
- Td4
- 23.c6
- bxc6
- 24.bxc6
- Tbd8
- 25.Txd4
- exd4
- 26.Df4
- Ac8
- 27.Dd2
- d3
- 28.h4
- De5
- 29.Af1
- Af5
- 30.Tc3
- Dd6
- 31.h5
- h6
- 32.hxg6
- Axg6
- 33.Ah3
- Te8
- Solución:33...Te8
- 34.c7
- Te2
- 35.Txd3 La torre blanca despeja el camino de a la dama blanca la casilla c3.
- De5
- 36.Dc3
- Dxc3
- 37.Txc3
- Te1+
- 38.Rg2
- 38.Rh2 White is winning. White's passed pawn(s) and material advantage are not compensated by Black's piece activity.
- 38.Af1
- Af5
- 39.c8=Q
- 39.c8=R
- Axc8
- 40.Txc8
- 39.c8=B
- 39...Axc8
- 40.Txc8
- 38...Ae4+
- 39.f3 White is winning. White's passed pawn(s) and material advantage are not compensated by Black's better king safety.
- 39.Tf3
- Ab7
- 40.c8=R
- 40.c8=Q
- Axc8
- 41.Axc8
- 40...Axc8
- 41.Axc8
- 34.c7
- Te2
- 35.Txd3
- De5
- 36.Dc3