Puzzle 721569: Negras se defienden
Asconiga - Saavedra
1BDGW prelim corr, 1969
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
1BDGW prelim corr, 1969
- 1.d4
- d5
- 2.e4
- dxe4
- 3.Cc3
- Cf6
- 4.f3
- Af5
- 5.Ag5
- e3
- 6.Ac4
- Cbd7
- 7.Cge2
- Cb6
- 8.Ab3
- c6
- 9.Axe3
- e6
- 10.O-O
- Ae7
- 11.g4
- Solución:11.g4
- Amenazante:
- 12.gxf5
- Ag6
- 11...Ag6
- 12.h4
- h5
- 13.g5
- Cfd5
- 14.Af2
- f6
- 15.f4
- Dc7
- 16.Dd2
- Ad6
- 17.Ag3
- fxg5
- 18.hxg5
- h4
- 19.Ah2
- O-O-O
- 20.Cxd5
- exd5
- 21.Cc1
- Tdf8
- 22.Cd3
- Axd3
- 23.cxd3
- Tf7
- 24.Tf2
- Thf8
- 25.Taf1
- Te7
- 26.Ad1
- g6
- 27.Ag4+
- Rb8
- 28.f5
- Axh2+
- 29.Txh2
- gxf5
- 30.Df2
- Dg3+
- 31.Dxg3+
- hxg3
- 32.Th6
- Tg7
- 33.g6
- f4
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: