Puzzle 653007: Negras se defienden
Paola Natali Blanco Gascon - IM K. Ambartsumova (2386)
3rd Gran Canaria Menchik lichess.org INT (9), 2022.06.26
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
3rd Gran Canaria Menchik lichess.org INT (9), 2022.06.26
- 1.c4
- e6
- 2.Cc3
- d5
- 3.cxd5
- exd5
- 4.d4
- Cf6
- 5.Cf3
- c6
- 6.Af4
- Ad6
- 7.Ae5
- De7
- 8.e3
- Cbd7
- 9.Axd6
- Dxd6
- 10.Dc2
- De7
- 11.Ad3
- Cb6
- 12.O-O-O
- Ae6
- 13.Tde1
- O-O-O
- 14.Rb1
- Rb8
- 15.h3
- The8
- 16.Ca4
- Cxa4
- 17.Dxa4
- Cd7
- 18.Ce5
- Df6
- 19.Cxd7+
- Axd7
- 20.Thf1
- c5
- 21.Ab5
- Axb5
- 22.Dxb5
- cxd4
- 23.exd4
- Txe1+
- 24.Txe1
- Dxd4
- 25.a3
- Df6
- 26.Te8
- Txe8
- 27.Dxe8+
- Solución:27.Dxe8+
- Rc7
- 27...Rc7
- 28.Df8
- Dxf2
- 29.Dxg7
- Df5+
- 30.Ra1
- b6
- 31.Dc3+
- Rd7
- 32.Dh8
- Df1+
- 33.Ra2
- Dc4+
- 34.Ra1
- Df1+
- 35.Ra2
- Df5
- 36.Ra1
- a5
- 37.Dg8
- Rc6
- 38.g4
- Df1+
- 39.Ra2
- Dc4+
- 40.Ra1
- Dc1+
- 41.Ra2
- Dc4+
- 42.Ra1
- Df1+
- 43.Ra2
- h6
- 44.Da8+
- Rc5
- 45.Df8+
- Rd4
- 46.Dg7+
- f6
- 47.Dxh6
- Dc4+
- 48.Ra1
- Df1+
- 49.Ra2
- Dc4+
- 50.Ra1
- Df1+
- 51.Ra2
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: