Puzzle 485604: Negras se defienden
Raashi Chopra (700) - Haider Lakha (1112)
BCF-chT5 U18 1920 (4NCL) online Lichess.org INT, 2020.05.21
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
BCF-chT5 U18 1920 (4NCL) online Lichess.org INT, 2020.05.21
- 1.Cc3
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cf6
- 3.Cxe5
- d5
- 4.Cf3
- Cc6
- 5.d3
- Ab4
- 6.a3
- Ac5
- 7.e4
- dxe4
- 8.dxe4
- Dxd1+
- 9.Rxd1
- O-O
- 10.Ae3
- Td8+
- 11.Rc1
- Axe3+
- 12.fxe3
- Ag4
- 13.Cd4
- Cxd4
- 14.exd4
- Txd4
- 15.h3
- Ah5
- 16.g4
- Solución:16.g4
- Amenazante:
- 17.gxh5
- Ag6
- 16...Cxg4
- 17.hxg4
- Axg4
- 18.Tg1
- h5
- 19.Ag2
- Tad8
- 20.Te1
- Td2
- 21.Cd1
- Txd1+
- 22.Txd1
- Txd1#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: