Puzzle 451636: Blancas Ganan
IM Bogdan Belyakov (2444) - WGM Dina Belenkaya (2277)
Titled Tuesday 4th Jan chess.com INT (1), 2022.01.04
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 4th Jan chess.com INT (1), 2022.01.04
- 1.e4
- c6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.e5
- c5
- 4.Cf3
- Ag4
- 5.c4
- cxd4
- 6.cxd5
- Dxd5
- 7.Cc3
- Da5
- 8.Dxd4
- Axf3
- 9.gxf3
- Cc6
- 10.Ab5
- Td8
- 11.Axc6+
- bxc6
- 12.De4
- Da6
- 13.Ag5
- h6
- 14.Ah4
- g5
- 15.Ag3
- e6
- 16.h4
- Ag7
- 17.hxg5
- hxg5
- Solución:17...hxg5
- 18.Txh8 La torre blanca intercambia y atrae al alfil negro a la casilla h8.
- Axh8
- 19.Dh7 La dama blanca hace una horquilla al caballo negro y el alfil.
- Rf8
- 19...Re7
- 20.Dxh8
- 20.Dxh8
- 18.Txh8
- Axh8
- 19.Dh7
- Rf8
- 20.Dxh8
- Dd3
- 21.Td1
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3