Puzzle 397231: Negras Ganan
Mauri Lehtosaari (2199) - GM Leandro Krysa (2523)
Titled Tuesday 28th Sept chess.com INT (4), 2021.09.28
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 28th Sept chess.com INT (4), 2021.09.28
- 1.d4
- Cf6
- 2.Cf3
- e6
- 3.Ag5
- h6
- 4.Ah4
- c5
- 5.e3
- b6
- 6.Cbd2
- Ab7
- 7.Ad3
- Ae7
- 8.c3
- O-O
- 9.O-O
- cxd4
- 10.cxd4
- d6
- 11.Tc1
- Cbd7
- 12.Ab1
- Te8
- 13.a3
- a6
- 14.Db3
- Tc8
- 15.Tc3
- Cd5
- 16.Txc8
- Dxc8
- 17.Axe7
- Cxe7
- 18.Dd3
- Cf8
- 19.Cc4
- Dc6
- 20.b3
- Tc8
- 21.h3
- Aa8
- 22.Te1
- Cd5
- 23.e4
- Ce7
- 24.a4
- b5
- 25.axb5
- axb5
- 26.Ce3
- b4
- 27.Rh2
- Dc7
- 28.Rg1
- Dc3
- 29.Da6
- Dxb3
- 30.Dxd6
- Ceg6
- 31.Ce5
- Cxe5
- 32.Dxe5
- Dc3
- 33.Td1
- b3
- 34.Db5
- b2
- 35.d5
- e5
- 36.d6
- Ce6
- 37.d7
- Td8
- 38.Dd3
- Dxd3
- 39.Txd3
- Cd4
- 40.Cc4
- Axe4
- 41.Td1
- Ce2+
- 42.Rh2
- Solución:42.Rh2
- Cc3 El caballo negro hace una horquilla a la torre blanca y el alfil.
- 43.Axe4
- 43.Td2
- Cxb1
- 43.Te1
- Axb1
- 43.Td6
- Axb1
- 43...Cxd1
- 42...Cc3
- 43.Axe4
- Cxd1
- 44.Cxe5
- Cc3
- 45.Ac2
- b1=Q
- 46.Axb1
- Cxb1
- 47.Rg3
- f6
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3