Puzzle 365951: Blancas Ganan
Ryan Amburgy (2030) - IM Vladislav Klyashtorny (2403)
Titled Tuesday 17th Aug chess.com INT (2), 2021.08.17
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 17th Aug chess.com INT (2), 2021.08.17
- 1.Cf3
- d5
- 2.e3
- Cf6
- 3.c4
- c6
- 4.Cc3
- a6
- 5.cxd5
- cxd5
- 6.b3
- g6
- 7.Ab2
- Ag7
- 8.Ae2
- O-O
- 9.O-O
- Cc6
- 10.d4
- Ag4
- 11.Tc1
- Tc8
- 12.h3
- Axf3
- 13.Axf3
- e6
- 14.Ca4
- Cd7
- 15.Cc5
- Cxc5
- 16.Txc5
- Dd7
- 17.a3
- Ce7
- 18.Dd2
- b6
- 19.Tcc1
- Db5
- 20.b4
- Txc1
- 21.Txc1
- Tc8
- 22.Txc8+
- Cxc8
- 23.Ae2
- Da4
- 24.Dc3
- Cd6
- 25.Rh2
- Af8
- 26.Ad3
- a5
- 27.bxa5
- bxa5
- 28.e4
- Cb5
- 29.Dc6
- dxe4
- 30.Dxb5
- Ad6+
- 31.g3
- Dd1
- 32.Axe4
- Dd2
- 33.Rg2
- a4
- 34.d5
- e5
- 35.Axe5
- Axe5
- Solución:35...Axe5
- 36.De8+ La dama blanca hace una horquilla al alfil negro y el rey.
- Rg7
- 37.Dxe5+
- 36.De8+
- Rg7
- 37.Dxe5+
- Rf8
- 38.d6
- f5
- 39.Df6+
- Rg8
- 40.Af3
- Dd3
- 41.De7
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3