Puzzle 958766: Schwarz hält Remis
GM Olexandr Bortnyk (2604) - IM Balazs Csonka (2495)
Titled Tue 13th Sep Early chess.com INT (6), 2022.09.13
Titled Tue 13th Sep Early chess.com INT (6), 2022.09.13
- 1.d4
- d5
- 2.Sc3
- e6
- 3.e4
- Sf6
- 4.Lg5
- dxe4
- 5.Sxe4
- Le7
- 6.Lxf6
- gxf6
- 7.Sf3
- f5
- 8.Sc3
- a6
- 9.g3
- b5
- 10.Lg2
- Lb7
- 11.O-O
- O-O
- 12.Dd2
- Lf6
- 13.Dh6
- Lg7
- 14.Dh5
- Sd7
- 15.Tad1
- Sf6
- 16.Dh3
- Se4
- 17.Se2
- De7
- 18.Sf4
- Tad8
- 19.c3
- b4
- 20.c4
- c5
- 21.d5
- Lxb2
- 22.Tfe1
- Lc3
- 23.Te3
- Lg7
- 24.Tde1
- Tfe8
- 25.Txe4
- fxe4
- 26.Sh4
- exd5
- 27.Sf5
- Dg5
- 28.Sh5
- Lc3
- 29.Tf1
- Lc8
- 30.g4
- Lxf5
- 31.gxf5
- dxc4
- 32.Kh1
- Kh8
- 33.Sg3
- e3
- 34.fxe3
- Txe3
- 35.f6
- Tg8
- 36.Le4
- Txe4
- 37.Sxe4
- Dd5
- 38.Df3
- Ld4
- 39.h4
- c3
- 40.Kh2
- c2
- 41.Sg5
- Le5+
- 42.Kg2
- Txg5+
- 43.hxg5
- Dxf3+
- 44.Kxf3
- Lb2
- 45.Te1
- h6
- 46.g6
- fxg6
- 47.Te8+
- Kh7
- 48.f7
- c1=Q
- 49.f8=Q
- Df1+
- 50.Ke4
- Dxf8
- 51.Txf8
- Ld4
- 52.Ta8
- h5
- 53.Txa6
- Kh6
- 54.Kf4
- Lc3
- 55.Tc6
- Ld4
- 56.Tc8
- Lg1
- 57.Th8+
- Kg7
- 58.Te8
- Ld4
- 59.Kg5
- Lf6+
- 60.Kf4
- Ld4
- 61.Tc8
- Kf6
- 62.Tc6+
- Kf7
- 63.Tc7+
- Ke6
- 64.Tc6+
- Kd5
- 65.Txg6
- c4
- 66.Tg5+
- Kc6
- 67.Ke4
- Lh8
- 68.Txh5
- Lg7
- 69.Th7
- La1
- 70.Th1
- Lb2
- 71.Th6+
- Kb5
- 72.Th2
- c3
- 73.Kd3
- Ka4
- 74.Kc2
- Ka3
- 75.Th5
- Ka4
- 76.Th7
- La3
- 77.Ta7+
- Kb5
- 78.Kb3
- Kc5
- 79.Th7
- Kb5
- 80.Th5+
- Kc6
- 81.Th2
- Kb5
- 82.Tg2
- Kc6
- 83.Kc4
- Kb6
- 84.Tg6+
- Kc7
- 85.Kd5
- Kb7
- 86.Tc6
- Ka7
- 87.Tc4
- Kb6
- 88.Tc5
- Kb7
- 89.Tc6
- Ka7
- 90.Ke6
- Kb7
- 91.Kd7
- Ka7
- 92.Kc7
- Lc1
- 93.Tc4
- Le3
- 94.Kd6
- Kb6
- 95.Txb4+
- Ka5
- 96.Tc4
- Ld2
- 97.Kc5
- Ka6
- 98.Kd4
- Ka5
- 99.Kd3
- Kb5
- 100.Tc8
- Ka5
- 101.Kc2
- Ka4
- 102.Tc4+
- Kb5
- 103.Kb3
- Ka5
- 104.a4
- Kb6
- 105.Tb4+
- Ka6
- 106.Tg4
- Kb6
- 107.Tg6+
- Ka5
- 108.Te6
- c2
- 109.Kxc2
- Lb4
- 110.Kb3
- Ld2
- 111.Te5+
- Ka6
- 112.Kc4
- Ka7
- 113.Kb5
- Lf4
- 114.Te7+
- Kb8
- 115.Kc6
- Lg3
- 116.Tf7
- Lh2
- 117.Tf5
- Lg1
- 118.Tg5
- Le3
- 119.Tb5+
- Ka7
- 120.Te5
- Lg1
- 121.Ta5+
- Kb8
- 122.Ta6
- Lf2
- 123.Kb5
- Lg1
- 124.Tg6
- Lf2
- 125.Ka6
- Le3
- 126.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 127.Tg3
- Lf2
- 128.Tb3
- Lg1
- 129.Tc3+
- Kb8
- 130.Tc2
- Le3
- 131.Te2
- Ld4
- 132.Te4
- Lg1
- 133.Tg4
- Lf2
- 134.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 135.Tf8
- Lg1
- 136.Kb5
- Le3
- 137.Tf7+
- Kb8
- 138.Te7
- Lg1
- 139.a5
- Lf2
- 140.Ka6
- Lg1
- 141.Te8+
- Kc7
- 142.Te6
- Lf2
- 143.Tb6
- Lg1
- 144.Ka7
- Lf2
- 145.Ka6
- Lg1
- 146.Tb7+
- Kc8
- 147.Tb2
- Le3
- 148.Tc2+
- Lösung:148.Tc2+
- Kb8
- 149.Tb2+
- 149.Te2
- Lg1 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 149.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- La7
- 150.Ka6
- Lg1
- 151.Tc3
- Lf2
- 152.Tf3
- Lg1
- 153.Tg3
- Lf2
- 154.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 155.Kb5
- Kb7
- 156.Tg7+
- Ka8
- 157.Tg2
- Le3
- 158.Ka6
- Kb8
- 159.Tg3
- Lf2
- 160.Th3
- Kc8
- 161.Th8+
- Kc7
- 162.Th2
- Le3
- 163.Te2
- Lg1
- 164.Te7+
- Kc8
- 165.Te8+
- Kc7
- 166.Te1
- Lf2
- 149...Kc8
- 149...Kc7
- 150.Tc2+
- 150.Tb7+
- Kc8
- 151.Tb3
- Lg1
- 150.Kb5
- Kb7
- 151.Th2 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 152.Th7+
- Ka8
- 153.Ka6
- Kb8
- 154.Th3
- Kc7
- 155.Tc3+
- Kb8
- 156.Tg3
- Lf2
- 157.Tf3
- Lg1
- 158.Tf1
- Le3
- 150...Kb8
- 151.Te2
- 151.Tb2+
- Kc7
- 152.Tc2+
- Kb8 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 151.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- La7
- 152.Ka6
- Lg1
- 153.Tc3
- Lf2
- 154.Tf3
- Lg1
- 155.Tg3
- Lf2
- 156.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 157.Kb5
- Kb7
- 158.Tg7+
- Ka8
- 159.Tg2
- Le3
- 160.Ka6
- Kb8
- 161.Tg3
- Lf2
- 162.Th3
- Kc8
- 163.Th8+
- Kc7
- 164.Th2
- Le3
- 165.Te2
- Lg1
- 166.Te7+
- Kc8
- 167.Te8+
- Kc7
- 168.Te1
- Lf2
- 151...Ld4
- 151...Lg1
- 152.Te1
- 152.Te4 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lc5
- 153.Te8+
- Kc7
- 154.Kb5
- Lf2
- 155.Tf8
- La7
- 156.Tf7+
- Kb8
- 157.Tf8+
- Kc7
- 158.Ka6
- Ld4
- 159.Kb5
- Le3
- 160.Te8
- Lf2
- 161.Te7+
- Kb8
- 162.Ka6
- Ld4
- 163.Te4
- Lg1
- 164.Te8+
- Kc7
- 165.Te1
- Lf2
- 152.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Ld4
- 153.Kc4
- Lg1
- 154.Tb2+
- Ka8
- 155.Kb5
- Ka7
- 156.Te2
- Kb7
- 157.Te7+
- Ka8
- 158.Tg7
- Ld4
- 159.Te7
- Kb8
- 160.Te4
- Lf2
- 161.Te2
- Lg1
- 162.Te1
- Ld4
- 163.Th1
- Kb7
- 164.Td1
- Lf2
- 165.Td7+
- Ka8
- 166.Tf7
- Le3
- 167.Tf3
- Lg1
- 168.Tf1
- Le3
- 169.Ka6
- Kb8
- 152...Lf2
- 153.Tf1
- 153.Te8+
- Kc7
- 154.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 155.Te1
- Lf2
- 153...Le3
- 154.Te1
- Lf2
- 155.Te8+
- Kc7
- 156.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- 156.Tg8 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Ld4
- 157.Tg3
- Lf2
- 158.Tc3+
- Kb8
- 159.Tf3
- Lg1
- 160.Tg3
- Lf2
- 161.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 162.Kb5
- Kb7
- 163.Tg7+
- Ka8
- 164.Tg2
- Le3
- 165.Ka6
- Kb8
- 166.Tg3
- Lf2
- 167.Th3
- Kc8
- 168.Th8+
- Kc7
- 169.Th2
- Le3
- 170.Te2
- Lg1
- 171.Te7+
- Kc8
- 172.Te8+
- Kc7
- 173.Te1
- Lf2
- 156.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Kb7
- 157.Te7+
- Kb8
- 158.Ka6
- Ld4
- 159.Te4
- Lg1
- 160.Te8+
- Kc7
- 161.Te1
- Lf2
- 156...Lg1
- 157.Te1
- Lf2
- 152.Te8+
- 152.Te1
- Lf2
- 153.Tf1
- Le3
- 154.Te1
- Lf2
- 155.Te8+
- Kc7
- 156.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 157.Te1
- Lf2
- 152.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Kb7
- 153.Te6
- Lf2
- 154.Td6
- Ka7
- 155.Td7+
- Kb8
- 156.Td8+
- Kb7
- 157.Td7+
- Ka8
- 158.Tf7
- Le3
- 159.Tf3
- Lg1
- 160.Tf1
- Le3
- 161.Ka6
- Kb8
- 162.Tf3
- Lg1
- 163.Tg3
- Lf2
- 164.Tf3
- Lg1
- 165.Tf1
- Le3
- 152...Kc7
- 153.Te1
- 153.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Kb7
- 154.Te2
- Lg1
- 155.Te7+
- Ka8
- 156.Tg7
- Ld4
- 157.Te7
- Kb8
- 158.Te4
- Lf2
- 159.Te2
- Lg1
- 160.Te1
- Ld4
- 161.Th1
- Kb7
- 162.Td1
- Lf2
- 163.Td7+
- Ka8
- 164.Tf7
- Le3
- 165.Tf3
- Lg1
- 166.Tf1
- Le3
- 167.Ka6
- Kb8
- 168.Tf3
- Lg1
- 169.Tg3
- Lf2
- 170.Tf3
- Lg1
- 171.Tf1
- Le3
- 153.Tg8 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lf2
- 154.Kb5
- Kb7
- 155.Tg7+
- Ka8
- 156.Tg2
- Le3
- 157.Ka6
- Kb8
- 158.Tg3
- Lf2
- 159.Tf3
- Lg1
- 160.Tg3
- Lf2
- 161.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 162.Tf8
- Lc5
- 163.Tf7+
- Kb8
- 164.Tf1
- Le3
- 165.Tf3
- Lg1
- 166.Tf1
- Le3
- 153...Lf2
- 154.Tc1+
- 154.Te7+
- Kb8
- 155.Tf7 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lc5
- 156.Tf1
- Le3
- 157.Tf3
- Lg1
- 158.Tg3
- Lf2
- 159.Tf3
- Lg1
- 160.Tf1
- Le3
- 154.Te8 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 155.Te1
- Lf2
- 154...Kb8
- 155.Tb1+
- 155.Tf1
- Le3
- 156.Te1
- Lf2
- 157.Tf1 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 155.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Le3
- 156.Tb1
- Kb7
- 157.Te1
- Lf2
- 158.Te2
- Lg1
- 159.Te7+
- Ka8
- 160.Tg7
- Ld4
- 161.Te7
- Kb8
- 162.Te4
- Lf2
- 163.Te2
- Lg1
- 164.Te1
- Ld4
- 165.Th1
- Kb7
- 166.Td1
- Lf2
- 167.Td7+
- Ka8
- 168.Tf7
- Le3
- 169.Tf3
- Lg1
- 170.Tf1
- Le3
- 171.Ka6
- Kb8
- 172.Tf3
- Lg1
- 173.Tg3
- Lf2
- 174.Tf3
- Lg1
- 175.Tf1
- Le3
- 155...Kc8
- 155...Kc7
- 156.Tb7+
- Kc8
- 157.Tb1
- Kc7
- 157...Le3
- 158.Tf1
- 158.Kb5
- Kb7
- 159.Te1
- Lf2
- 160.Te2
- Lg1
- 161.Te7+ with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Ka8
- 162.Tg7
- Ld4
- 163.Te7
- Kb8
- 164.Te4
- Lf2
- 165.Te2
- Lg1
- 166.Te1
- Ld4
- 167.Th1
- Kb7
- 168.Td1
- Lf2
- 169.Td7+
- Ka8
- 170.Tf7
- Le3
- 171.Tf3
- Lg1
- 172.Tf1
- Le3
- 173.Ka6
- Kb8
- 174.Tf3
- Lg1
- 175.Tg3
- Lf2
- 176.Tf3
- Lg1
- 177.Tf1
- Le3
- 158...Kb8
- 158...Kc7
- 159.Te1
- Lf2
- 160.Tf1
- 160.Te8+
- Kc7
- 161.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 162.Te1
- Lf2
- 163.Te7+
- Kb8
- 164.Tf7
- Lc5
- 165.Tf1
- Le3
- 160...Le3 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 158.Tb7+
- Kc8
- 159.Tb1
- Kc7 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 159...Le3
- 160.Te1
- 160.Tf1
- Kc7
- 161.Te1
- Lf2
- 162.Tc1+
- Kb8 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 160.Kb5
- Kb7
- 161.Te1
- Lf2
- 162.Te2
- Lg1
- 163.Te7+ with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Ka8
- 164.Tg7
- Ld4
- 165.Te7
- Kb8
- 166.Te4
- Lf2
- 167.Te2
- Lg1
- 168.Te1
- Ld4
- 169.Th1
- Kb7
- 170.Td1
- Lf2
- 171.Td7+
- Ka8
- 172.Tf7
- Le3
- 173.Tf3
- Lg1
- 174.Tf1
- Le3
- 175.Ka6
- Kb8
- 176.Tf3
- Lg1
- 177.Tg3
- Lf2
- 178.Tf3
- Lg1
- 179.Tf1
- Le3
- 160...Lf2
- 161.Tf1
- 161.Tc1+
- Kb8 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 161.Te8+
- Kc7
- 162.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 163.Te1
- Lf2
- 164.Te7+
- Kb8
- 165.Tf7
- Lc5
- 166.Tf1
- Le3
- 167.Tf3
- Lg1
- 168.Tg3
- Lf2
- 169.Tf3
- Lg1
- 170.Tf1
- Le3
- 161...Le3
- 162.Te1
- Lf2
- 163.Tc1+
- 163.Tf1
- Le3
- 164.Te1 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 163.Te8+
- Kc7
- 164.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 165.Te1
- Lf2
- 166.Te7+
- Kb8
- 167.Tf7
- Lc5
- 168.Tf1
- Le3
- 163...Kb8
- 164.Tf1
- 164.Tb1+
- Kc8
- 165.Tf1
- Le3
- 166.Te1 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 164.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Le3
- 165.Tb1
- Kb7
- 166.Te1
- Lf2
- 167.Te2
- Lg1
- 168.Te7+
- Ka8
- 169.Tg7
- Ld4
- 170.Te7
- Kb8
- 171.Te4
- Lf2
- 172.Te2
- Lg1
- 173.Te1
- Ld4
- 174.Th1
- Kb7
- 175.Td1
- Lf2
- 176.Td7+
- Ka8
- 177.Tf7
- Le3
- 178.Tf3
- Lg1
- 179.Tf1
- Le3
- 180.Ka6
- Kb8
- 164...Le3
- 165.Te1
- Lf2
- 166.Tf1
- 166.Te8+
- Kc7
- 167.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 168.Te1
- Lf2
- 169.Te7+
- Kb8
- 170.Tf7
- Lc5
- 171.Tf1
- Le3
- 166...Le3
- 167.Te1
- Lf2
- 168.Te8+
- Kc7
- 169.Te5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- 169.Tg8 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Ld4
- 170.Tg3
- Lf2
- 171.Tc3+
- Kb8
- 172.Tf3
- Lg1
- 173.Tg3
- Lf2
- 174.Tg8+
- Kc7
- 175.Kb5
- Kb7
- 176.Tg7+
- Ka8
- 177.Tg2
- Le3
- 178.Ka6
- Kb8
- 179.Tg3
- Lf2
- 180.Th3
- Kc8
- 181.Th8+
- Kc7
- 182.Th2
- Le3
- 183.Te2
- Lg1
- 184.Te7+
- Kc8
- 185.Te8+
- Kc7
- 186.Te1
- Lf2
- 187.Te7+
- Kb8
- 188.Tf7
- Lc5
- 189.Tf1
- Le3
- 169.Kb5 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Kb7
- 170.Te7+
- Kb8
- 171.Ka6
- Ld4
- 172.Te4
- Lg1
- 173.Te1
- Lf2
- 169...Lg1
- 170.Te1
- Lf2
- 171.Te7+
- Kb8
- 172.Tf7
- Lc5
- 173.Tf1
- Le3
- 156.Tf1
- 156.Tc1+
- Kb8 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 156.Kb5
- Kb7
- 157.Tf1
- Ld4
- 158.Tf4
- Lg1
- 159.Tf7+ with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Kc8
- 160.Tf1
- Le3
- 161.Tf3
- Lg1
- 162.Tg3
- Lf2
- 163.Tg2
- Le3
- 164.Te2
- Lg1
- 165.Te4
- Kb7
- 166.Te1
- Ld4
- 167.Te7+
- Ka8
- 168.Ka6
- Kb8
- 169.Te4
- Lg1
- 170.Te1
- Lf2
- 171.Te8+
- Kc7
- 172.Te5
- Lg1
- 173.Te1
- Lf2
- 174.Te7+
- Kb8
- 175.Tf7
- Lc5
- 176.Tf1
- Le3
- 177.Tf3
- Lg1
- 178.Tg3
- Lf2
- 179.Tf3
- Lg1
- 180.Tf1
- Le3
- 156...Le3
- 157.Te1 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 150.Tc2+
- 150.Tb7 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Ld4
- 151.Tb1
- Lf2
- 152.Kb5
- Kb7
- 153.Tf1
- Ld4
- 154.Tf4
- Lg1
- 155.Tf7+
- Kc8
- 156.Tf1
- Le3
- 157.Tf3
- Lg1
- 158.Tg3
- Lf2
- 159.Tg2
- Le3
- 160.Te2
- Lg1
- 161.Te4
- Kb7
- 162.Te1
- Ld4
- 163.Te7+
- Ka8
- 164.Ka6
- Kb8
- 165.Te4
- Lg1
- 166.Te8+
- Kc7
- 167.Te1
- Lf2
- 150.Kb5
- Kb7
- 151.Th2 with a drawn endgame, for example:
- Lg1
- 152.Th7+
- Ka8
- 153.Ka6
- Kb8
- 154.Th3
- Kc7
- 155.Tc3+
- Kb8
- 156.Tg3
- Lf2
- 157.Tf3
- Lg1
- 158.Tf1
- Le3
- 150...Kb8 Remis durch Zugwiederholung
- 148...Kb8
- 149.Te2
- Lg1
- 150.Kb5
- Ld4
- 151.Te8+
- Kc7
- 152.Kc4
- Lg1
- 153.Tg8
- Lf2
- 154.Tg7+
- Kb8
- 155.Kd5
- Le3
- 156.Kc6
- Lf2
- 157.a6
- Le3
- 158.Te7
- Lf2
- 159.Te8+
- Ka7
- 160.Tf8
- Lg1
- 161.Tf7+
- Kb8
- 162.a7+
- Ka8
- 163.Tg7
- Lxa7
- 164.Th7
- Lb8
- 165.Kb6
- Ld6
- 166.Ta7+
- Kb8
- 167.Td7