Puzzle 787557: Schwarz gewinnt das Endspiel

Megan Barbet (1620) - Stephane Bressac (1920)
FRA-chT3 Gr01 0607 France, 2006.12.10
  1. 1.e4
  2. e6
  3. 2.d4
  4. d5
  5. 3.Sd2
  6. dxe4
  7. 4.Sxe4
  8. Sd7
  9. 5.Ld3
  10. Le7
  11. 6.c3
  12. Sgf6
  13. 7.Sf3
  14. b6
  15. 8.O-O
  16. Lb7
  17. 9.Te1
  18. O-O
  19. 10.Sfg5
  20. h6
  21. 11.Sxf6+
  22. Sxf6
  23. 12.Se4
  24. Sxe4
  25. 13.Lxe4
  26. Lxe4
  27. 14.Txe4
  28. c5
  29. 15.Le3
  30. Dc7
  31. 16.Tg4
  32. Kh8
  33. 17.Txg7
  34. Kxg7
  35. 18.Dg4+
  36. Lg5
  37. 19.Lxg5
  38. f5
  39. 20.Lf4+
  40. fxg4
  41. 21.Lxc7
  42. cxd4
  43. 22.Le5+
  44. Kg6
  45. 23.Lxd4
  46. Tad8
  47. 24.Te1
  48. Tfe8
  49. 25.Kf1
  50. Td5
  51. 26.a3
  52. e5
  53. 27.Le3
  54. Ted8
  55. 28.Ke2
  56. h5
  57. 29.f3
  58. Kf5
  59. 30.Kf2
  60. Td1
  61. 31.Te2
  62. gxf3
  63. 32.Kxf3
  64. Tf1+
  65. 33.Kg3
  66. Tfd1
  67. 34.Kh4
  68. T1d6
  69. 35.Lg5
  70. Th8
  71. 36.Tf2+
  72. Kg6
  73. 37.Te2
  74. Te8
  75. 38.Lf4
  76. Tde6
  77. 39.Le3
  78. e4
  79. 40.g4
  80. hxg4
  81. 41.Tg2
  82. Kf5
  83. 42.Txg4
  84. Th8+
  85. 43.Kg3
  86. Tg6
  87. 44.h3
  88. Thg8
  89. 45.Txg6
  90. Txg6+
  91. 46.Kh2
  92. a5
  93. 47.a4
  94. Tf6
  95. 48.Kg3
  96. Kg6
  97. 49.Kg4
  98. Tc6
  99. 50.Ld4
  100. Te6
  101. 51.Le3
  102. Te5
  103. 52.h4
  104. b5
  105. 53.Ld4
  106. Tf5
  107. 54.axb5
  108. Txb5
  109. 55.c4
  110. Tb4
  111. 56.h5+
  112. Kh6
  113. 57.Lc3
  114. Txc4
  115. 58.Lxa5
  116. e3+
  117. 59.Kf3
  118. e2
  119. 60.Kxe2
  120. Tc2+
  121. 61.Kd3
  122. Txb2
  123. 62.Lc3
  124. Tg2
  125. 63.Ld4
  126. Kxh5
  127. 64.Ke4
  128. Kg4
  129. 65.Ke5
  130. Te2+
  131. 66.Kd5
  132. Kf5
  133. 67.Lc5
  134. Td2+
  135. 68.Ld4
  136. Td1
  137. 69.Kc4
  138. Ke4
  139. 70.Lh8
  140. Tc1+
  141. 71.Kb5
  142. Kd5
  143. 72.Kb4
  144. Tc4+
  145. 73.Kb3
  146. Kc5
  147. 74.Lf6
  148. Kb5
  149. 75.Le7
  150. Te4
  151. 76.Lf8
  152. Te3+
  153. 77.Kc2
  154. Kc4
  155. 78.Kd2
  156. Th3
  157. 79.Lg7
  158. Tg3
  159. 80.Lf6
  160. Tf3
  161. 81.Lg7
  162. Tf7
  163. 82.Lh8
  164. Tf8
  165. 83.Lg7
  166. Tg8
  167. 84.Lf6
  168. Tg6
  169. 85.Lh8
  170. Tg3
  171. 86.Lf6
  172. Td3+
  173. 87.Ke2
  174. Td6
  175. 88.Lg5
  176. Kd4
  177. 89.Lc1
  178. Ke4
  179. 90.Kf2
  180. Tf6+
  181. 91.Ke2
  182. Tc6
  183. 92.Lg5
  184. Tc2+
  185. 93.Kd1
  186. Th2
  187. 94.Le7
    1. Lösung:94.Le7
    2. Kd3
    3. 95.Kc1
      1. 95.Ke1
      2. Te2+
      3. 96.Kf1
      4. Txe7
    4. 95...Tc2+
    5. 96.Kb1
      1. 96.Kd1 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Tc7
      3. 97.Ld8
      4. Td7
      5. 98.Lf6
      6. Tf7
      7. 99.Lh4
      8. Tf1+
      9. 100.Le1
      10. Tg1
      11. 101.Kc1
      12. Txe1+
    6. 96...Kc3
    7. 97.Lf6+
      1. 97.Ld8
      2. Kb3
      3. 98.Lb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. Tc8
      5. 99.La5
      6. Tc6
      7. 100.Ld2
      8. Tf6
      9. 101.Kc1
      10. Tf1+
      11. 102.Le1
      12. Txe1+
      1. 97.Ld6
      2. Te2
      3. 98.Ka1 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. Kb3
      5. 99.Lg3
      6. Tg2
      7. 100.Le1
      8. Tg1
      9. 101.Kb1
      10. Txe1#
      1. 97.Ka1 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Te2
      3. 98.Ld8
      4. Kb3
      5. 99.Kb1
      6. Te1#
    8. 97...Kb3
    9. 98.Le7 with a winning endgame, for example:
      1. 98.Le5 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Te2
      3. 99.Lg3
      4. Tg2
      5. 100.Le1
      6. Tg1
      7. 101.Kc1
      8. Txe1+
      1. 98.Lg7 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Tg2
      3. 99.Ld4
      4. Td2
      5. 100.Lf6
      6. Td1#
      1. 98.La1 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Th2
      3. 99.Lg7
      4. Th1#
      1. 98.Ld4 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Td2
      3. 99.Lf6
      4. Td1#
      1. 98.Ka1 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Tc1#
    10. 98...Tc3
    11. 99.Lg5
    12. Tg3
    13. 100.Lf4
    14. Tg1+
    15. 101.Lc1
    16. Th1
    17. 102.Ka1
    18. Txc1#
  188. 94...Kd3
  189. 95.Kc1
  190. Tc2+
  191. 96.Kb1
  192. Kc3
  193. 97.Ld6
  194. Kb3
  195. 98.Lb8
  196. Tc8
  197. 99.La7
  198. Tc7
  199. 100.Lb6
  200. Tc6
  201. 101.La7
  202. Tc7
  203. 102.Lb6
  204. Tb7
  205. 103.La5
  206. Ka4+
  207. 104.Kc2
  208. Kxa5
  209. 105.Kc3
  210. Tb4
  211. 106.Kd3
  212. Kb5
  213. 107.Kc3
  214. Kc5
  215. 108.Kd3
  216. Tc4
  217. 109.Ke3
  218. Td4
  219. 110.Kf3
  220. Kd5
  221. 111.Ke3
  222. Ke5
  223. 112.Kf3
  224. Te4
  225. 113.Kg3
  226. Tf4
  227. 114.Kh3
  228. Ke4
  229. 115.Kg3
  230. Ke3
  231. 116.Kg2
  232. Tg4+
  233. 117.Kf1
  234. Tg3
  235. 118.Ke1
  236. Tg1#

Dieses Puzzle ist Teil der folgenden Puzzle Academy Fähigkeiten:
  • Rook vs Bishop: On the edge (Level 3)
ChessPuzzle.net version 3
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