Puzzle 226339: Schwarz gewinnt
Peter Dankert (2285) - Helmut Neunhoeffer (2235)
Bundesliga 8687 playoff 12pl Germany, 1987
Bundesliga 8687 playoff 12pl Germany, 1987
- 1.d4
- Sf6
- 2.Sf3
- e6
- 3.Lg5
- c5
- 4.e3
- Db6
- 5.Sbd2
- Dxb2
- 6.Lxf6
- gxf6
- 7.Ld3
- Dc3
- 8.O-O
- d5
- 9.dxc5
- f5
- 10.Sd4
- Sd7
- 11.S2b3
- Sxc5
- 12.Lb5+
- Ld7
- 13.Dh5
- Lxb5
- 14.Sxb5
- De5
- 15.S3d4
- Tg8
- 16.f4
- Dxe3+
- 17.Kh1
- Lösung:17.Kh1
- Dd2
- 18.g3
- 18.Dxh7
- Dxg2#
- 18...Da5
- 19.Tae1
- 19.Tfe1
- Tg6
- 19.Dxh7
- Tg6 Black is winning. White's better king safety is not enough compensation for Black's material advantage and better pawn structure.
- 19...Tg6
- 20.Dxf5
- 20.g4
- Se4
- 21.Txe4
- dxe4
- 22.gxf5
- Th6
- 23.Sd6+
- Lxd6
- 24.Dxh6
- Dd5
- 25.c3
- e3+
- 26.Kg1
- O-O-O Black is winning because of Black's material advantage, piece activity, better pawn structure, passed pawn(s) and better king safety.
- 20.Dxh7
- a6
- 21.Sd6+
- Lxd6
- 20...a6 Der schwarze Bauer greift den weißen Springer an, der jetzt gefangen ist.
- 21.De5
- 21.Dxd5
- axb5
- 22.f5
- Td8
- 23.Df3
- Tf6
- 21.Sb3
- Dxb5
- 21...axb5
- 22.f5
- Th6
- 22...Lg7
- 23.Dd6
- 23.Dxd5
- Td8
- 24.Df3
- Tf6
- 23.fxg6
- Lxe5
- 23.Df4
- Tf6
- 24.Dg4
- Kf8
- 23...Lf8
- 24.De5
- 23.fxe6
- Sxe6
- 24.Df5
- 24.Sxe6
- Txe6
- 24.Dxd5
- Db6
- 24...O-O-O
- 25.Sxe6
- 25.Txe6
- fxe6
- 26.Sxe6
- Le7
- 27.Sxd8+
- Kxd8
- 25...fxe6
- 26.Txe6
- 26.Dxf8
- Txf8
- 26...Kb8
- 27.Df4+
- 27.Txh6
- Lxh6
- 27...Dc7
- 28.Txh6
- Dxf4 Die schwarze Dame schlägt die weiße Dame, die den weißen Turm verteidigte.
- 29.gxf4
- 29.Txf4
- Lxh6
- 29...Lxh6
- 17...Dd2
- 18.g3
- Da5
- 19.Tfe1
- Tg6
- 20.Te3
- a6
- 21.Sc3
- Lg7
- 22.Td1
- Kf8
- 23.Df3
- Se4
- 24.Sce2
- Tc8
- 25.Kg2
- Tc4
- 26.Ta3
- Dc5
- 27.Tad3
- b5
- 28.Sxf5
- exf5
- 29.Txd5
- Dc6
- 30.Td8+
- Ke7
- 31.T8d7+
- Dxd7
- 32.Txd7+
- Kxd7
- 33.Dd3+
- Td6
- 34.De3
- Txc2
- 35.Kf3
- Tcd2
- 36.Kg2
- Txe2+