Puzzle 875415: Black to get a winning advantage
Puzzle 875415: Black to get a winning advantage
CM M. Brod (2186) - Daniel Lechner (2139)
TCh-AUT 2nd Ost 2022-23 Austria AUT, 2023.01.21 CM M. Brod (2186) - Daniel Lechner (2139)
TCh-AUT 2nd Ost 2022-23 Austria AUT, 2023.01.21
TCh-AUT 2nd Ost 2022-23 Austria AUT, 2023.01.21 CM M. Brod (2186) - Daniel Lechner (2139)
TCh-AUT 2nd Ost 2022-23 Austria AUT, 2023.01.21
This is a Chess 960 position. Click your king to see which rooks can castle. Drop the king on the rook to castle.
Drag the pieces to solve this puzzle.
Who is better? Select an evaluation.
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Main motif of this puzzle: Capture
Learn more in this guide.
The hint button is in beta test. We recommend to use the button only after you've thought about the puzzle for some time without finding any idea.
Read more about the hint button in this blog post.
✅ Puzzle solved, congratulations!
❌ Sorry, but that was not the correct move.