Run away from trade and protect

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Run away from a threatened trade and keep your pieces protected

In this level, again your opponent is attacking one of your pieces. You must run away with your piece to a safe square, and keep all of your pieces protected.

This time, the threat can be a trade instead of a direct capture.


White attacks Black’s knight on c3 with the rook on c1 and the bishop on d2.
The knight is insufficiently protected by Black’s rook on c7.
The knight has safe squares on e4, a2, a4, and b5.
The correct move is 1...Nb5 because it defends against Rxc7.

How to spot good and bad safe squares

Spot all attackers and defenders to determine if any piece is insufficiently protected and a trade is threatened. Find the safe squares, and visualize the resulting positions to find any additional threats that you have to defend against.