
Rank Name Puzzle Climb Attempts Accuracy Rating Rating change
David 60 100% 1640 240
Ramon Galiana 32 100% 2184 2
Saurabh 134 97% 2104 -26
4 MandyHernandez2020 231 96% 2314 87
5 Lev 851 94% 2072 82
6 John Rey Dotillos 203 94% 1874 474
7 Levi Ackermann 81 567 94% 2220 102
8 Yvan 102 94% 1721 321
9 john 77 93% 1565 55
10 logloglog 215 93% 1740 340

Player must have at least 30 attempts. Tied by number of solved puzzles.

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