Puzzle Academy version 1.0

Puzzle Academy version 1.0 is completed and includes new features for focused practice, and recommended training

Puzzle Academy version 1 completed!

Content and features of Puzzle Academy version 1 are now completed.

This first release includes 122,530 puzzles in 329 levels for learning 112 skills in 6 areas. 128 guides explain each skill and area. Puzzle Academy is the most comprehensive tactics course in the world.

Some of the skills have been improved for this release. For example, the "Intermediate move" and "Intermediate check" puzzles now all show which line you had to avoid by the intermediate move or check.

Watch a video with an overview of the new features:

Thematic chapters

The areas in the curriculum have been further divided into thematic chapters. For example, the area "Fundamentals" now has chapters "Capturing pieces", "Defending pieces", and "Defending against check".

Some of these themes occur in several areas, for example there is a "Removing the defence" chapter in the "Tactics", "Combinations", and "Checkmate combinations" areas.

Focused practice

When you are practicing many skills at the same time, you can lose focus of what you are learning and of your progress.

Puzzle Academy now introduces focused practice, where you can select your focus from the areas and themes that you are currently practicing. The practice session will then include at least 50% of the puzzles from the selected focus. This allows you to focus on one area or theme, while keeping all the advantages of personalized practice.

Showing practice progress

Instead of showing all the statistics for all skills, the Puzzle Academy dashboard now shows your practice progress for each area and theme in your practice pool. This gives you a good overview of what you are currently practicing, and your progress.

You can still see all statistics of each skill by clicking on the "All statistics" button.

Recommended training

Thanks to all participants of the Puzzle Academy beta, we can now give a personalized recommendation for your next training.

Puzzle Academy analyses all your statistics and progress, and recommends an unlock, a replay, or a focused practice session. Just press the green "Start playing" button to start the recommended training.

If you are in a mood for a different training, you can still manually select an unlock, replay, or practice session (now including focus selection).

Puzzle Academy quick start

If during Puzzle Academy quick start you selected a difficulty which was too high, you can now relock skills on the "Unlock skills by rating" screen, to get back to an easier difficulty.

Puzzle Academy release on April 11th

Puzzle Academy version 1 will be released on April 11th. You can take advantage of the introductory price until April 10th to join Premium and start personalized learning with Puzzle Academy.

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