Задание 612532: Белые ставят мат
FM Darius Viskelis (2223) - FM Marc Lonoff (2122)
Titled Tuesday 25th May chess.com INT (8), 2021.05.25
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 25th May chess.com INT (8), 2021.05.25
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.e5
- c5
- 4.c3
- Кc6
- 5.Кf3
- Кh6
- 6.Сd3
- cxd4
- 7.cxd4
- Кf5
- 8.Сe3
- Фb6
- 9.Фd2
- Сd7
- 10.Сxf5
- exf5
- 11.Кc3
- Сe6
- 12.O-O
- Сe7
- 13.h4
- O-O
- 14.h5
- Кa5
- 15.Сg5
- Кc4
- 16.Фf4
- Сxg5
- 17.Фxg5
- h6
- 18.Фf4
- Фxb2
- 19.Кa4
- Фb4
- 20.Кc5
- b6
- 21.Кb7
- Лab8
- 22.Лfb1
- Фe7
- 23.Кd6
- Кxd6
- 24.exd6
- Фd7
- 25.Лc1
- Лfd8
- 26.Лc7
- Фxd6
- 27.Фxd6
- Лxd6
- 28.Лxa7
- Лc6
- 29.Кe5
- Лc2
- 30.Лb1
- b5
- 31.Кd3
- Лd2
- 32.Лb3
- b4
- 33.Крh2
- f4
- 34.Кxf4
- Лxd4
- 35.Кxe6
- fxe6
- 36.Лg3
- Лh4+
- 37.Крg1
- Лxh5
- 38.Лgxg7+
- Крh8
- 39.Лh7+
- Крg8
- 40.Лag7+
- Крf8
- 41.Лc7
- Лe8
- Решение:41...Лe8
- 42.Лh8# Мат "Газонокосилка"
- 42.Лh8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3