Задание 575984: Черные ставят мат
Reijo Molarius - K. Kuivasto
Finland corr, 1971
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Finland corr, 1971
- 1.g4
- e5
- 2.Сg2
- d5
- 3.c4
- d4
- 4.d3
- c5
- 5.e4
- Сe7
- 6.h3
- Кc6
- 7.Кe2
- Фc7
- 8.Кg3
- g6
- 9.Кa3
- Сe6
- 10.O-O
- Сh4
- 11.Крh2
- h5
- 12.gxh5
- Сxg3+
- 13.fxg3
- Лxh5
- 14.Фf3
- Фd7
- 15.Сd2
- Сxh3
- 16.Сxh3
- Решение:16.Сxh3
- Фxh3+
- 17.Крg1
- Фh2# Мат ладьей Дамиано
- 16...Фxh3+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Мат в 2 хода
- Damiano's rook mate (2 moves)