Задание 367266: Белые выигрывают
Carl Magnus Bjork (2325) - Mats Lindgren (2230)
Rilton Cup 18th Stockholm, 1988
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Rilton Cup 18th Stockholm, 1988
- 1.d4
- e6
- 2.Кf3
- f5
- 3.g3
- Кf6
- 4.Сg2
- Сe7
- 5.O-O
- O-O
- 6.b3
- Фe8
- 7.Сb2
- a5
- 8.a3
- b5
- 9.Кe5
- Лa7
- 10.Кd2
- d6
- 11.Кd3
- Сb7
- 12.Кf3
- Кe4
- 13.c4
- bxc4
- 14.bxc4
- g5
- 15.Лb1
- Фh5
- 16.Сa1
- Кd7
- 17.Фc2
- Кdf6
- 18.Лb3
- Кg4
- 19.d5
- e5
- 20.Лfb1
- Сa6
- 21.Лb8
- Лa8
- 22.Лxa8
- Лxa8
- 23.Фa4
- Фe8
- 24.Фb3
- Фh5
- 25.h3
- Кgf6
- 26.Фa4
- Фe8
- 27.Фc2
- Кd7
- 28.Кh2
- Кdf6
- 29.Кf1
- Лb8
- 30.f3
- Лxb1
- Решение:30...Лxb1
- 31.Фxb1
- Кxg3
- 31...Фa4
- 32.fxe4
- 31...Сxc4
- 32.fxe4
- 31...Кc5
- 32.Кxc5
- 32.Кxg3
- 31.Фxb1
- Сxc4
- 32.fxe4
- fxe4
- 33.Кf2
- Сxd5
- 34.Кxe4
- Кxe4
- 35.Сxe4
- Фc6
- 36.Сxh7+
- Крh8
- 37.Фg6
- Фc1
- 38.Фh6
- Фxa1
- 39.Сe4+
- Крg8
- 40.Сxd5#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3