Loek Van Wely
Loek van Wely is a Dutch chess player and politician. He was awarded the title Grandmaster by FIDE in 1993, and was rated among the world's top ten in 2001 with a rating of 2714. In March 2019, he was elected to the Dutch Senate for the right-wing Forum for Democracy; however, on 8 December 2020 he switched his party allegiance to the van Pareren group, which is now affiliated with the right-wing JA21 party.
स्रोत: विकिपीडिया और पढ़ें
Loek Van Wely द्वारा जीती गई प्रतियोगिताएं
प्रतियोगिता | वर्ष | स्थान |
HZ Tournament | 2016 | Vlissingen (Netherlands) |
Rubinstein Memorial | 1999 | Polanica-Zdrój (Poland) |
Capablanca Memorial | 1994 | Matanzas (Cuba) |
World Open chess tournament | 1994 | Philadelphia (United States) |
जन्म:: 07 अक्तूबर 1972